Intro and Explanations

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So, this isn't an actual chapter of the story, but a sort of explanation of things. I had planned on working on my original writings more but the Big Hero 6 stories just kept coming into my head. And then I had to go back into the day job world, which slowed things down even more. But, I have now come to a point where I feel comfortable with beginning to post chapters for my latest installment of my Big Hero 6 Aftermath series.

This story follows a few months after the events of my last BH6 crossover, When All Q Breaks Loose. It might help you understand the struggles certain characters go through to at least read that one and Control Alt Delete before continuing with this story. There will be a generous amount of references, both obvious and not so obvious, to those, and all other stories previous to this one. But, if you choose to skip over those previous stories, well, just go with it, I guess.

And before anyone asks, no I don't plan on bringing the universe into this one, which is a drastic break from the previous fan fictions I've written involving our beloved heroes. I know, crazy, right? No, this time I"m trying for a more traditional crossover with the Avengers, Thor, and the like, along with a few original characters thrown in. I am going off of the movies, not the comics, so keep that in mind.

In this story, Hiro is now 16, which you will learn pretty quick in the next chapter. And there is a lot going on. Since this is essentially a continuation of the previous stories, Hiro and his friends will have to deal with the "aftermath" of all the craziness that I've put them through, most notably Hiro. I've put him through the ringer perhaps one too many times, but he's a tough cookie and will muscle through this one too. (It's so fun to torture characters, don't you think?)

Anyway, that being said, I will try to do better at catching typos and grammar, but since I usually write my fan fictions by the seat of my pants, and don't generally go back and do much editing with them, it's very possible I will miss quite a few said typos and so forth. Just keep in mind that when I write my original works, I much more careful about such things. But where my fan fiction is concerned, I like to leave them as rough and tumble as they are when they tell themselves to me in the wee hours of the night and during nap time at the preschool where I currently work.

So, I hope you will enjoy. I'll try to update regularly, but no promises. While I do have a bit already written, my life is pretty hectic right now. I just couldn't wait to share this story with you. And, without further ado, here we go. I'll post the first real chapter in the morning.

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