Chapter Seven: You Still Are A Kid

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"I seriously don't know what you were thinking!" Wasabi complained the moment they got out of the van and into the elevator at Stark Tower. For all intents and purposes, they were alone, five college students in an elevator. "I know I said I almost had a heart attack. I lied. I think I really did have a heart attack!"

GoGo rolled her eyes as she chewed her gum. She had a bored expression on her face as she listened to her companion rip Hiro a new one. She couldn't entirely blame him. What with Hiro's track record, it gave rise to the need for worrying. All the same, she wasn't sure his method was the best to drive his point home. He'd remained oddly silent the entire drive back, only to let it all out the moment they were in some place "private".

Hiro hung his head, though his hands had balled up into fists. He'd really hoped they'd avoid this whole fiasco. But apparently Wasabi hadn't gotten over his emotional reaction to everything yet and felt a need to vent. Well, he would let him vent. Part of him wanted to lash back but knew it wouldn't do any good. In fact it might make Wasabi even more irate. "Okay, I'm sorry," he said instead, subconsciously putting in a hint of asperity in his tone. "You were worried. I'm sorry a group of other students separated me from you. It wasn't my fault. For the record, I did try to look for you guys and I did not leave the auditorium. It's not like I'm fourteen anymore, or fifteen for that matter."

Wasabi scowled, arms folded tightly across his chest. "That's not the point. We couldn't even reach you! Your phone was off! For all we knew you'd been kidnapped!"

Fred glanced nervously around. "Um, GoGo, don't you think you should stop him or something?" He bounced nervously on the balls of his feet. "I mean, it's not like Hiro was trying to worry us or anything. Don't you think he's had enough?" And while Fred understood Wasabi's concern, he couldn't help but feel the man was way out of line with his tirade.

With a sigh, GoGo decided she had to agree. "What Fred said," she pointed one thumb at the mascot. "Look, I'm sure he gets the point, Wasabi. There's no need to grind it in until it draws blood. Seriously. Did we come here to argue or did we come here to kick some science butt?"

The elevator dinged, saving Wasabi from having to answer as it stopped at one of the floors on the way up. No one inside, unfortunately, was prepared to see Pepper Potts with a tablet in hand staring at them in shock. She looked up in time to keep from running into any of them but it was obvious she'd walked into an argument. "Maybe I'll just wait for the next one," she hesitated, her foot triggering the sensor to hold the elevator doors open.

"Oh, hey Pepper," Fred waved cheerfully, the only one of the group to actually smile. "How's it going? There's more than enough room if you need a lift."

Still looking uncertain, Pepper stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. She turned to face the door, ignoring the others inside, who had gone uncomfortably silent.

The chime dinged again, indicating they'd arrived at the floor desired and Honey excused herself as she slipped past the red-haired woman. She was followed by Wasabi and GoGo, who dragged Fred along with her. But before Hiro even thought about exiting, the doors closed once more and the elevator continued up towards the penthouse level. His expression looked a bit stricken at the unexpected turn of events but there didn't seem to be much he could do about it.

The elevator chimed again and the doors opened. Pepper stepped out but turned to look back at Hiro. "Are you coming? Or do you plan on going back down before your friends cool off?"

Hiro hurriedly scrambled off the elevator at her words. "Better to let them cool off," he said quickly. "I know they mean well, but sometimes it's just..."

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