Chapter Forty-Six: Ambush

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For a weekend night, the street just outside Grand Central Station didn't seem all that busy, Honey thought as she checked the perimeter. She nervously adjusted her glasses, wondering just how this was all going to go down, or if anything would happen at all. There were too many unknowns on their end, and all they had were Stark's promises that everything would be fine.

"This way," Thor directed, staying on the same side of the street as the train station. He kept looking from side to side, almost as if he expected something to happen.

The five Big Heroes followed him, Baymax in the middle, scanning as he went. "I am detecting unusual radio waves in the area," the robot noted.

GoGo rubbed at her arms, not because she was cold, but because she felt exposed. "I don't like it," she commented as she looked around. Even though there were plenty of streetlights, and the occasional person entering or leaving the station next to them, something felt off. "I keep expecting assassin ninjas to come out at any moment."

Fred nodded in agreement, his face grim. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He glanced behind them quickly, pausing a bit. "Thought I saw something," he said by way of explanation when GoGo gave him a shrewd look.

"Keep moving," Thor instructed. "The ideal point to stage an ambush is further ahead, while we are halfway between the street behind us and the one ahead."

Wasabi shook at the idea. "Thanks so much for giving me that visual," he griped. Without his super hero gear, he felt more than a little under prepared for whatever might happen. "I'm so ready for this to be over!"

Honey's fingers clutched her purse, her fingers trembling as if to quickly punch out a chemical equation, except it was the wrong purse for that. "Why do I feel like we're being watched?"

"Probably because we are," GoGo pointed out. Several pedestrians had stopped to stare at the unusual group. "Just try to act normal, would you?"

Wasabi had to resist the urge to stop in the middle of the road and tirade, knowing it would only draw more attention. "This is so far from normal, it's not even funny," he said instead. He had clenched his teeth, fists also clenched.

"And breathe," Fred reminded as he cradled his arm. The area of his wound was still hurting. They hadn't been able to get any painkillers for him yet and he was sure he might need a stitch or two replaced. And probably some kind of antibiotics to go along with it.

Thor turned to look back at the others, who had all paused for their small tirades of anxiety. He supposed he couldn't blame them. They weren't exactly trained to be warriors. But they were only giving the enemy more chances to take advantage of them by staying where they were. And if these people were indeed after their robot, it only made it that much easier for them to do so. "Keep moving," he ordered.

At that exact moment, a team of about ten black clad men and women converged on the group. Honey let out a sound of surprise the moment she saw them and they all huddled around Baymax.

Thor got a funny kind of smile on his face as he held out his arm as if holding some kind of invisible weapon. It almost looked like he was relishing the idea of beating up a bunch of criminals. There was nothing but confident glowing off him.

The group of enemy combatants slowly started to move in, as if to eliminate any means of escape. Since there were no doors readily accessible, it made sense. If they could cut anyone from running off, it would make things that much easier on them, though it was obvious by their stances that they thought Thor the greatest of threats out of the group they stalked.

GoGo let out a growl of rage and frustration. "I'll be a laughing stock if I go down without a fight!" And before Thor could even call out in protest, she launched herself at the nearest enemy.

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