Chapter Fifty Eight: A Good Plan

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Honey Lemon thanked her lucky stars they weren't in the same jet as Cass Hamada. It wasn't necessarily a matter of room but a matter of their heading to a different destination. While Cass was headed to a helicarrier, they were headed to a ground location not too far from where Sam said they were keeping their friends. All the same, she couldn't help but feel anxious. The woman was bound to eventually realize they weren't on the carrier with her, even if it was large. And that would make her question things they didn't want touched just yet.

Their gear was safely stowed in the cargo area in nets attached to the wall. Everyone else wore a harness, including Baymax. He just was mostly deflated to accommodate the cramped quarters. His charger was stored with the rest of their gear. They'd brought it knowing he'd need a recharge before too much longer, especially since he was still sharing space, and energy, with a second AI. It just seemed rude to deactivate him while everything was going on, even if it probably would have been easier.

Fred grinned as he watched the world streak by out the front window. This was even cooler than flying on Baymax's back, even if the robot's thrusters made him almost as fast. It was cooler because Tony was piloting the craft. The mascot hadn't known he could do that, but it figured. If Tony could fly with the Iron Man suit, he could pilot an airplane. It also helped that the agent next to him knew what he was doing.

"So remind me what the plan is again," Wasabi spoke up, holding onto the straps around his shoulders as if he didn't quite trust them.

Tony got up from his seat, which actually was the copilot seat, a Bluetooth headset still attached to his ear. "The plan is we rendezvous with the others on the ground, get some sleep, make sure everything is good to go, and head out, hoping whoever is on the inside somehow deactivates the displacement field in time so we can infiltrate, extricate, and then blow the place to high heaven. And if we have to wait in place, then we do that until we get the signal, then go in and do all the above."

Wasabi's lips moved into a rounded shape, his eyes wide. "Okay then." He glanced wryly over at his nearest companion, which happened to be Honey, wondering if her reaction was the same as his. "That's . . . a good plan." He tugged at his collar.

"I wonder how much time has passed on the inside," Honey spoke up, her hands pressing against her knees. She couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Hiro and Kally both. They'd been kidnapped for a reason. Were they being taken care of? Had something happened to them? Were they okay?

GoGo gave Honey's hand a comforting squeeze before standing up to move next to Fred, who sat across from the others. She hadn't bothered with the harnesses, preferring to move around. "I'm sure they'll be fine," she asserted, knowing where Honey's thoughts were. "And if they're not, we'll have even more reason to kick some serious butt."

"What she said," Fred spoke up. He'd opted to kick his arm sling to the curb before heading up into the air. And though the stitches were still in place, he felt a lot more confident about his ability to do his part. Fingers crossed, he could convince someone to remove the stitches altogether before they headed up the mountain in question. It would be a lot easier knowing he wasn't going to pull one, causing more damage.

Tony took a seat on the other side of Fred, hands clasped in front of him. "Okay, guys, I just want to make a few things clear before we land. You're only here because we can't leave you to your own devices. That being said, you're not to go running around as you please. There has to be a sense of order in all of this or someone is going to get hurt."

Baymax blinked at his comments. "Taking care would be advisable," he stated. "I would prefer to keep any injuries to a minimum."

"You and me both," Wasabi spoke up. "I'm not exactly keen on the idea of getting turned into wasabi sushi or anything."

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