Chapter Sixty Nine: I've Got This

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Kally couldn't help but notice the carnage the Hydra agents had done to the first door seal they'd had to bypass with Loki. It looked almost like they'd taken some kind of explosive to it as the actual door was pretty much just slag. Well, that was one way of doing it, she supposed. There were a few unconscious bodies nearby, telling her that her new friends had taken care of them before moving on. The real test, of course, was getting into the room where Hiro was. She doubted a simple explosive would allow anyone access to that. The doors had seemed unusually thick, like they were there in case of an atomic bomb or something. Well, it bought them time to kick more Hydra butt, she supposed.

Dr. Bosch followed behind her, noting her limp and the occasional rubbing of her shoulder. He knew, from previously treated patients, that her shoulder had to be bruised still and would likely continue to give her trouble until it had a chance to fully heal. And with everything going on, that didn't look like it would happen any time soon. He could only imagine what kind of damage she'd inflicted just trying to get this far. Chances were good she either hadn't realized it yet or was blocking it out. He'd definitely have to keep a close eye on her, as well as on Hiro when they finally reached him.

It didn't take long to reach the others, all things considered. They were only a turn away from the doors in question. Presumably there was another way to get there from the other end, though Kally couldn't be sure about that. But it made sense.

Natasha looked up as both Kally and Dr. Bosch came into view. "Wasn't sure if that would work," she admitted, now switching her glance to Baymax and Sammy. She then gave Kally an upraising glance, noting the same things Dr. Bosch had only a minute or so earlier. This would certainly get interesting and she fervently wished her communication link still worked so she could call for the others' aid as well. But that wasn't going to happen so they'd somehow make due.

"Uh, guys," GoGo spoke up as she came back from peering around the corner, "I think we may have a problem. I could be wrong but it looks like someone just brought a plasma cutter to the party."

That brought Natasha around in a hurry. "What?" she hissed, hoping GoGo wasn't right but knowing she probably knew what she was talking about at the same time. She probably dealt with those kinds of things all the time when building projects, or was at least familiar with them.

"I am also detecting an addition five individuals," Baymax added to the report. "This does not provide good odds in our favor."

Dr. Bosch blanched. Apparently these agents had been given strict orders to retrieve Hiro at all costs. That meant this was likely an elite team. Experienced or not, his chosen team needed all the help it could get. He felt fairly certain they wouldn't stand a chance otherwise.

Kally resisted the urge to look around the corner. She didn't need to look to know Baymax was correct in his numbers. Twenty-five against ... well, against three, technically four, did not make great odds. She didn't know what kind of support Baymax could offer as a healthcare bot. And she knew Dr. Bosch wouldn't willingly join in on the fight. Not unless he was outright threatened. And, of course, the only one she knew who could truly handle herself was Natasha. She still wasn't sure of her own skills. But seeing how they'd managed to get this far, well, it would have to work out somehow. If nothing else, maybe they could hold them off until help came, as unlikely as that was.

"We're just going to have to go for it," GoGo stated as she popped a gum bubble. She could feel the adrenaline kicking in at the prospect. If they could take out the plasma cutter quickly, that would help. She wasn't sure if her discs could effectively do the job but maybe Baymax could use a rocket fist to push it out of the way or smash it.

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