Chapter Forty-Two: Getting Close

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The sign for the 5th Avenue Subway Station shone like a beacon as the six fugitives made their out of the trees and back to the street. They slowed down a bit to try and blend in with those walking down the sidewalks, though they continued at a pretty brisk pace. Not sure if they were still being followed or not, they made their way as quickly as they dared to the subway entrance and headed down the stairs.

Fred struggled a bit to take out his wallet but managed to get it out as they approached the kiosk. There was a bit of confusion about metro cards and whatnot, but they finally made it past the barrier to the other side. They were in luck as a train was already waiting on the platform. Not caring which direction it went, they all got on just before the doors closed.

"That was close," Honey breathed. She quickly grabbed one of the rails as the train jerked into motion, almost flinging her off her feet. The others weren't quite as lucky and were flung towards the nearest set of seats, which were thankfully empty.

Wasabi dropped down into the seat he'd hit into, letting out his breath in one long bout. "That was so not cool, guys," he exclaimed while the others situated themselves. Baymax merely grabbed onto another handy pole, effectively blocking the walkway with his size.

Finally getting used to the motion of the train, Honey moved to the only other seat available, across from the others. Several other passengers glanced their way, but most were too absorbed in whatever it was they were doing to pay them much mind. "Do you think we lost them?" she wondered as she pressed one hand to her chest.

"Approaching 57th Street," a voice announced over the loudspeaker.

GoGo looked around to try and find a transit map. "Just what train did we take anyway?" she asked when she couldn't immediately spot one.

Fred cradled his arm. His shoulder was hurting after their mad dash to the subway and he was more than ready for some kind of painkiller to dull the throbbing. "Sounds like we're heading west," he managed through the pain. "It'll curve around a bit to the south, going past the Rockefeller Center and Times Square."

"Is that where we want to go?" Honey worried as she tried to look out the window, but due to their being underground, there wasn't much to see. She braced herself as the car began to slow as it approached the next station, but since no one knew the answer to that question, they stayed on, even though a few people moved to get off from some seats further up.

Wasabi turned to look at Fred, since he had the most information on the whole location thing. "What do you think? I have absolutely no idea where we are or where we should be headed."

Thor watched them discuss without comment, but decided now was as good a time as any to assert himself as the leader of the group. "I suggest we remain on board until we are far enough away from our original location that we need not fear being followed."

Baymax turned, realizing Fred was in some distress. "Your pain levels have increased," he noted. "I recommend ingesting something to reduce the pain. It would also be wise to check your injury for further distress."

Hearing that, GoGo immediately turned to Fred, lifting his shirt so she could look at the gauze covering his wound. "Baymax is right. Looks like you've pulled at the stitches a bit." There was some red on the bandage. "Why didn't you say anything?" She resisted the urge to punch him in the shoulder as she lowered his shirt.

"Uh, we were kinda being chased at the time," Fred pointed out as the train started up once more, heading to the next stop. It could have been worse, he supposed. At least it wasn't a fresh wound, even if it still felt like it from their recent activities.

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