Chapter Seventy Six: As Well As Can Be Expected

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Loki debated. He really should get back to Asgard. And while he'd managed to send an apparitional replacement of himself, he knew it would only be a matter of time before someone would realize it was just that. Besides, it took a lot of concentration to maintain two facades in two different places. Something had to give, but there was one more thing he had to do before he went.

The Asgardian looked into the medical suite, watching Cass Hamada as she sat by her nephew's side. After listening in to all the stories from the teen's friends, he could understand why they hadn't told the aunt. She hadn't reacted in the best manner, though it was only to be expected. She wasn't used to those kinds of things, and he couldn't help but believe she was in a turmoil of emotions because of the reveal.

Part of Loki was still trying to reconcile himself with the notion that he wasn't born of Asgard, but from the Frost Giants. And the fact that his adoptive father had kept it secret from him for most of his life still stung. He figured it could be no different with Cass, knowing her nephew was leading a double-life behind her back, even if it was for a good cause. If he'd died, which apparently had happened multiple times, and never come back, she wouldn't have known the real reason behind it. That was more than enough for any person to handle. And then to find out the lie had gone on for years was even more hurtful.

He doubted Hiro had meant to hurt his aunt. His friends had reassured everyone he'd tried to keep it quiet to protect those he loved. But the sting was still there. It wasn't just about protecting but breaching trust. Odin had breached his with the reveal of his adoption. Hiro had breached his aunt's, knowingly or not, with the secret of his double-life.

Cass looked like a wreck, he decided, and understandably so. She'd been crying off and on since first learning about Hiro's exploits, especially the ones involving him repeatedly dying. No loving parent should have to go through that. And though it may be true that learning about it after the fact reduced the potential sting, the fact of the matter was that it still hurt on a level he felt sure only a true parent could understand.

If there was one thing Loki could do before he left, he hoped to be able to sooth Cass Hamada's heart and help her reconcile herself to her nephew's chosen life. He knew the teen would not, could not give it up now. And though it might be easier to just erase the revealed information from her mind, he wasn't going to do that. For one, it would raise too many questions for both the Big Heroes and the Avengers, and for another, it would probably backfire down the road.

So, with a somewhat heavy heart, Loki left his post as a sort of security guard and entered the room, sure no one else was there but Hiro and his aunt. Kally was upstairs at that moment, debriefing everyone about what had happened since her and Hiro's kidnapping so he doubted there would be any interference from them. It helped that Baymax had accompanied them so he could learn what had happened and how to best help his friend when he woke up from sedation.

Loki did not wear his usual garb, preferring to transform back into the simple jeans and button-down outfit he'd worn that fateful day back at the café, where he'd stolen some hair from Hiro's room and from his aunt. He felt seeing someone somewhat familiar might ease things a bit. And the fact that Cass had reacted in an almost girlish fashion would probably help. He just had to make sure to trick the cameras so no one would know what was going on. It was probably just as well that his Odin persona was supposedly sleeping or he'd be in trouble due to lack of concentration.


Cass sat with her knees drawn up to her chest as she watched her nephew's sleeping face. The chair she sat in was more comfortable than most hospital rooms would provide, which was a bonus, but it didn't help her aching heart. She traced Hiro's profile over and over again in her mind, trying to determine just when her nephew had decided to enter such a dangerous life.

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