Chapter Fourteen: About That

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By the time they'd reached Stark Tower, Kally was sitting in nervous anticipation. Her knuckles were white as she clenched her fists over her knees as she stared in awe at the tall structure. It wasn't that she hadn't seen it before. Anyone living in New York had. But the idea that she'd actually be going inside and having dinner with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts was just overwhelming. And now that she was head on facing it, she couldn't help but feel more than a little anxious.

"There's no need to be nervous," Honey soothed, seeing the young woman's distress. "I promise they're really nice people." She couldn't help but look maternal as she waited for their chauffeur to open the van's side door.

Hiro watched his new friend as she gaped at the entrance to the Tower. He'd felt something similar the first time he'd seen it and didn't blame her for ogling. But he also noticed two guards standing next to the bank of elevators as their group stepped into the elevator car before pressing the button for the penthouse level. He felt sure they weren't the same from that morning, which wasn't entirely surprising. But he also felt certain they hadn't been there until that morning either.

"We need to stop by my room for a minute," the teen genius said as the elevator started its ascent and he realized someone had already pressed the top button. He quickly reached over to push the desired floor's button as Kally just stared at him.

Fred gave a knowing smile. "That's right," he grinned as Kally turned his way. "We're totally staying here. Me and Tony go way back. But I bet you got invited on your own merit because what I saw of your exhibit was pretty cool. I know both Pepper and Tony only invite the best. We're just here as a favor to my dad."

Kally couldn't help but blink at that. Apparently she needed to reevaluate what she thought about these guys. She doubted Hiro came from money, though he probably had a decent living environment. She thought the same for the others, except Fred. The way he talked made it sound like there was so much more to it than just being friends with a billionaire tech genius. "So, um... how exactly do you know Mr. Stark?" she asked.

The mascot gave a shrug of the shoulders. "His dad and my dad used to hang out a lot. You see, they had similar business tactics, which is how the family fortune got made, I think. Except my dad didn't go into technology. But they were drinking buddies, which meant my dad knew Tony growing up, even though they're only like a decade or two apart age-wise."

The elevator dinged and Hiro rushed to exit the doors as soon as they opened. He turned back at the last second at the surprised looks everyone shot his way. "Um... would you guys mind waiting here for a sec? Tony said Baymax could join us." He gave a funny little expression as the others, minus Kally, nodded in understanding. He quickly dashed towards his room.

"Might as well wait outside the elevator," Wasabi said. "Someone else might want to use it."

"I can hold the elevator for you, if you wish," JARVIS spoke up, causing Kally to jump slightly.

Kally placed a hand over her heart. "Who said that?" She looked around, realizing there were speakers built into the elevator. And if she looked out the still open doors, she could see areas where more speakers might be hidden. In fact, she felt like the whole place was wired with technology. Not too surprising considering who owned the place.

"Pardon me," JARVIS apologized. "I am JARVIS, Mr. Stark's butler. You must be Kally Carmichael."

She looked a little hesitant, like she wanted to shake hands with something but was holding back. "Nice to meet you," she finally said, coming to the realization of what was going on. "You're an AI, aren't you?"


Kally nodded as it all fell together in her mind. "You're integrated into the entire tower, aren't you?"

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