Chapter Twenty-Seven: Taken

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After a moment of surprise, Coulson, Thor, and Tony ran after the two teens, but by the time they reached the door, the two were out of sight. "We need to begin a systematic search for them," Phil stated. "Stark, take the left. Thor, you have the right. I'll head down the middle. Yell if you see anything."

The three men dispersed to their designated areas, looking for any signs of the two teenagers. When Coulson didn't immediately see anything helpful, he went to join Thor, who was closer to him. "Find anything?" he asked the thunder god.

Thor shook his head. "I should go back for Mjolnir and search from the skies," he stated. "We can cover more ground that way."

But before Coulson could agree or disagree to this plan, they both heard a squeal of tires coming from Tony's direction. "That doesn't sound good," Coulson stated as he took off running.

All three men converged on the break in the trees as the car in question turned sharply around the nearest corner. "Get to the cars!" Coulson shouted. "I have a feeling those two might be in that vehicle."

Disregarding Coulson's order, Thor headed back to the manor for his hammer. It would allow him passage more quickly than any of these man-made vehicles. He ran into Natasha on the way, who pointedly asked what was going on. When he told her, she dashed for the other car, pulling out her earpiece as she connected to Tony's link. "Someone had better have a plan," she stated as she started her car and pealed out after the other two.

Tony was the first in line as he turned the corner they'd seen the dark sedan take. "Oh, hey Natasha," he greeted as her voice came over his phone. "We're kind of busy at the moment trying to chase down someone who probably kidnapped two of our guests."

Natasha ground her teeth. "I know that," she growled. "So just shut up and help me find them!"


Thor was about to grab his hammer from inside when Wasabi stepped into the lounge, looking all wide eyed. "Um, what's going on? Where's everyone gone? Are we in danger?"

Seeing the panicked state of this young man, Thor found he couldn't bring himself to leave them, especially not after a few other Midgardians entered the room, looking just as confused and concerned as he did. If Tony, Natasha, and Coulson had gone off looking for Kally Carmichael, who was going to stay and make sure someone didn't do the same with the others?

He let out a heavy sigh as he set Mjolnir down. "Someone has taken two of your friends captive," he confessed to the gathered students, one a girl with long blond hair, the other a male with sloppy clothes. A second female came up behind the burly looking man who had similar characteristics as Heimdall. This other female had short black hair with a purple stripe down the middle.

"What's going on?" GoGo demanded as she noticed the absence of their babysitters. "Where did everyone go? Where are Kally and Hiro?"

Honey stared forward with wide eyes. "This man just said someone took them," she confessed as GoGo waited impatiently for an answer.

Fred's mouth turned down to a partially open frown as he took in the situation. "Not good," he said as he winced. They'd found him a real sling for his arm but it still hurt when he moved too quickly. "Not good at all." He looked around for the healthcare bot. "Where's Baymax?"

White vinyl filled the opposite doorway as the robot entered the room. "I am no longer detecting the presence of Hiro, Kally, or the other adults," he stated as he stopped short to scan those in the room. "You all are exhibiting symptoms of extreme distress. What has happened in my absence?"

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