Chapter Twenty-Eight: Everything To Do With This

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Hiro groaned, feeling like his body was made from molasses. What was going on? Had someone hit him upside the head? His vision seemed blurry. A sense of vertigo filled him as he tried to move to an upright position. No to the blow to the head theory, he decided. It didn't feel like that timeline where he'd tumbled down a cement embankment. Chances were good he'd been drugged. He just didn't know why. Weren't they just after Kally? And where was Kally anyway? He couldn't see her from his current vantage point.

Speaking of vantage points, he really didn't have much of one. As far as he could tell, whatever room he was in didn't have much space to it. In fact, if he reached out one hand, he could touch the wall. The floor was made of some kind of metal covered over with paint. He could feel the difference in texture as the coolness of the ground shifted away from his body heat. Was he in some kind of cargo container? And why was he only in his underwear?

No, the idea of a cargo container didn't seem quite right. But he definitely was not at Fred's vacation home, or a secondary safe house. He just had no idea where he was. And he wasn't sure he wanted to roll onto his other side to look in that direction and find out. Chances were good he'd find another wall within arm's reach and he didn't know if he wanted to try and confirm or deny that possibility. He felt a bit claustrophobic as things stood.

The sound of a door opening came from somewhere behind him, giving him the impression that the room was larger than he'd realized. With that unintentional reassurance, he tried to roll over but gave up when his vision blurred once more. Part of him wanted to be sick. Just what had they given him?

"I see you're awake," a baritone voice said as the shadow of its owner came into view. "That's good. And don't worry. The effects of the drugs will wear off soon enough. We did think the trackers sewn into your clothes was a nice touch though. But it won't help your friends find you. I just wanted to make sure you knew the rules. You are currently a guest of ours and I expect you to behave yourself. Your friend's life may depend on it. "

Hiro did turn at those words, though he immediately regretted it as the room spun. He curled up into fetal position on his side. "What have you done with her?" he croaked as he screwed his eyes shut.

The man laughed without humor. "Nothing. Yet. And we won't do anything to her, as long as you cooperate. Soon, another of my associates will come see you and ask you to do something for us. Comply and all will be well. Don't and- well, I'll just leave that to your imagination."

Footsteps sounded, and then the door moved again, slamming shut as the man left the cell. Hiro pulled his arms around his chest, trying, in vain, to pull himself together.


After the initial shock had worn off, Fred and GoGo couldn't help but pace the yard. Fred was there more to keep GoGo company as she worked off some steam. This was now the second time someone had kidnapped their diminutive leader. The only difference was that this time Hiro wasn't in the form of a toddler, nor was he alone, which meant he hopefully had more of an ability to get away. Unfortunately, that line of thinking didn't help much, especially not when they added Kally into the mix. She was a complete unknown. Unfortunately, Fred was in no condition to let off his own steam. He'd tried to use the tracker he'd sewn into Hiro's clothes but nothing popped up, which meant either the device had malfunctioned or had been disabled. Either way, it was no more help than howling at the moon.

The two heroes looked up at their guardians as they returned to the safe house. Car doors slammed, body language speaking volumes of their frustration. Tony was the first to look their direction, pulling his sunglasses from his face. "Well, at least the others are still here," he said, though the two doubted it was meant for their benefit. He sounded almost facetious.

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