Chapter Forty: Through The Jungle

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After some debating, the group from San Fransokyo decided they'd like to visit Central Park, mainly the end with the zoo and the Victorian Gardens amusement park. They informed Tony of their choice, just to be safe, and headed out in one of the many vans the billionaire had provided. He'd insisted, saying it would be better to have them chauffeured around than to be hijacked on the subway.

There was a little bit of confusion when they were all dropped off near the zoo, but it was quickly remedied when Fred took charge. He'd been there before and knew exactly where to go. Thor had tried to lead the way but got them lost for a few minutes. But they made it inside the gates without mishap, Fred paying for everyone, including Baymax. The attendants hadn't been sure if he counted as a "guest" or not so Fred settled the matter for them.

Honey took charge once they were all safely inside the gate. Using the map provided, she directed them around the exhibits, squealing at each of them as she snapped pictures with her phone. She even got a few of Thor as he watched them with amusement. To all outward appearances, they were just a bunch of tourists out having a good time.

After about an hour of oohing and awing at pretty much everything, and taking their dear sweet time, they found themselves in an area that was lightly peopled near the snow leopards. Baymax seemed to take more interest in the big white cats than in any of the other animals and the others let him. When Wasabi seemed inclined to keep going, Baymax turned towards him. "Please wait," he requested. "I have something important to discuss with the team."

Hearing the tone of voice Baymax used, the Big Heroes, including Thor, found a bench where they could all more comfortably gather and still be out of the way of the occasional other zoo guest. "Okay," Wasabi spoke up, arms folded across his chest. "What do you have to talk about? I'm guessing it has something to do with recent events."

GoGo looked around, realizing Thor was still with them. "Um, guys, if it's about that, is it okay to talk about it with this guy here?" She indicated the thunder god with a thumb. "I mean, no offense and all that, but you're not exactly privy to everything we are."

"I have taken into account the differences in the variables," Baymax announced. "Thor is the most likely to be understanding in regards to this information. I do not believe he will betray our confidence."

Fred nodded slowly, taking in all the information possible. "I think Baymax is right. Remember when we were trying to get information in the beginning? He was the most likely to give it us. And didn't you all get the feeling he was totally cool with our going after Hiro?"

Thor listened attentively. "Your friend has the right of it," he offered. "I do not always agree with the way Tony and the others do things. If there is anything I can do to help you recover your lost friends, I am willing to do it." He absently felt for Mjolnir, remembering he'd left it back at the Tower.

Wasabi looked around a bit nervously, waiting for a mom and her child to leave the area. "I don't know," he hedged. "I'm still not convinced this is a good idea."

"Would you be more approving if I presented information the others do not want you to hear?" Thor inquired. He looked around, just to make sure they were still relatively alone. He could see the two agents assigned them standing off at a distance, pretending to be interested in the exhibits around them. Unless they had some kind of listening device, chances were good they were too far away to hear anything.

Honey looked at each of her friends. "I think that would help," she admitted once she saw a slight nod from each of them.

Thor took that opportunity to settle himself on the only available seat on the bench. To all outwards appearances, they were simply sitting while taking in the snow leopards. "Very well. What I am about to tell you is something I overheard when we first returned to Stark Tower. It is in regards to the second safe house prepared as a decoy. You see, it would seem there is someone inside of SHIELD who has been leaking information to whoever kidnapped your friends."

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