Chapter Sixty Eight: Explosion

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Loki knew he needed to leave that place as soon as possible. He'd only narrowly avoided running into his adoptive brother by a matter of seconds. His time helping the two teens, at least for now, was over. It was time to head on out and hope no one noticed him.

Taking on the guise of one of the SHIELD soldiers, Loki made his way to the nearest exit. Maybe it was a bit of a cowardly act, but he didn't want to ruin what he already had, the rule of Asgard. And there was always the chance that Heimdall had seen through his guise while down on Midgard. He'd have to remedy that by placing him under arrest as a traitor or something. He'd come up with a good reason on the way back home. But there were a few things he wanted to make sure of first off. He had to be sure Kally and Hiro both made it out relatively unscathed so he found a nice perch and disguised himself as tree. He might have to wait a while, but at least he'd know his pseudo gaurdees had made it out.

After only a few minutes of waiting, he saw Thor emerge, carrying Ms. Kendrick over his shoulder. He almost gave himself away as his muscles twitched in reaction to the sight of that woman. He really would have loved to finish the job, but supposed it was just as well that she be taken into custody. It wasn't the end he'd have liked for her but at least she wouldn't be hurting anyone else.

And then he cringed at the sight of Dr. Bruce Banner as he came up from somewhere below, carrying what looked like explosive charges. Well, he had told them the place needed to go up in flames. That was certainly one way of doing it. He just hoped to be miles away before that happened, preferably back on Asgard. But since the ones he was looking for hadn't emerged just yet, he continued to wait, anxiously counting down to when all hell would break loose.


GoGo cussed the moment she turned the corner. Up until they'd reached the fateful bend in the hallway, things had been pretty easy. In fact, she'd been almost downright bored with events. They'd only come across one or two of the enemy, who were easily dispatched by either a carefully thrown mag disc or by the Black Widow. But now she knew why Kally probably had decided to sit this one out, half-blood or not. The numbers were purely insane. They must really want to get at Hiro, she mused as she pulled back.

"I am detecting twenty individuals ahead of our current location," Baymax whispered. He'd come a long way since their first mission and had learned the value of trying to stay out of the line of sight, or hearing, of any potential targets.

Natasha shook her head. From the sounds of things, they were trying to break into the room in question, just as Dr. Bosch said they likely were. She just hadn't expected for there to be quite so many. "This could be problematic," she sighed. It wasn't that she was incapable of handling that many. It just made it more complicated that they were in a concentrated area, and that she had two pseudo super heroes in tow, both of whom she was only partially sure of as far as their abilities went. It would be so much easier if she could call for some backup but her radio still didn't seem to be working. She knew they wouldn't sit out if she asked them.

The adrenaline junky looked as impassive as ever as she contemplated their odds. Chances were good there would be more either on their way or out of sight. Regardless, it didn't bode well. "We can try going in guns blazing," she suggested.

But Natasha shook her head. "Not a good idea. We need something else to help even out the odds."

Baymax contemplated the information at hand. "It is possible Kally may be able to tip the balance," he said. "While her injury may limit her movements, it is possible her previous ability to overcome these limitations will manifest."

"Only one problem with that," GoGo pointed out. "Someone still has to watch Dr. Bosch. I know he's currently being helpful and all that but I get the feeling we shouldn't completely trust him. Besides, one of us would have to go back and get them and that would make the rest of us more vulnerable."

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