Chapter Seventy Two: Bound to Happen

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No one was prepared for Hiro to suddenly convulse as he took in a big lungful of air before beginning normal respirations. It only happened once, but if it hadn't been for Tony practically standing next to him, he likely would have fallen either backward or to the side, caught on the lip of the small platform he was on, and tumbled down the shaft underneath them.

"Steady," Dr. Bosch cautioned as Tony tried to maneuver around the boy so he could lift him without further incident. He briefly glanced down at the tablet, which had been propped up against a swivel chair. According to the readout, at least Hiro's pulse and blood oxygen levels were going back up.

With the help of the doctor, Tony moved Hiro to a more solid area away from the guardrail and the potential of falling into a deep hole, where he set him down so they could assess his condition. He stepped back to give others room. As he moved back, Baymax moved closer, scanning his number one patient.

"Vital signs are stabilizing," the robot announced. "Brain activity suggests he will soon regain consciousness. However, in light of his current injuries, I suggest sedating him until he can be taken to a more appropriate location for treatment."

At that prompting, Dr. Bosch pulled his medical bag over and began rummaging around in it until he found a particular vial and a syringe. "I have to agree. This should do the trick for now," he stated as he filled the hypodermic and slid the needle into the hub of the IV catheter still in Hiro's arm. Chances were good the boy would be in a world of pain when he woke, though they would hopefully have him well clear of the area before that happened. It was too bad the bag of pain medication was nowhere in evidence, probably destroyed when they'd rearranged the room, or discarded before the teen had even entered it.

Wasabi watched from a distance. "I hate to be the person to bring this up, but how exactly are you planning on getting him out of here? Or the rest of us for that matter? The elevator shaft we came down in doesn't seem functional and I somehow doubt it'll be easy trying to carry him up the stairs without some kind of stretcher. I mean, we do have two injured people here." He glanced pointedly at Kally who was still sitting in the chair from earlier.

"Hiro is in need of immediate medical attention," Baymax reminded. "I do not believe you are able to provide such attention in our current location. It would be wise to formulate the quickest way out possible so he can be transported to the nearest emergency medical center." If it weren't for his armor, he would totally be down by his young charge's side. Instead, he watched as the doctor attached wire leads to the still present electrodes on Hiro's chest and forehead before plugging them into the portable EKG and EEG machines he'd used a week or so earlier.

Tony frowned. "JARVIS, what's the fastest way out of here?" He knew the AI had gathered as much data as possible on the layout of the place during their time there and probably could come up with the best answer.

JARVIS seemed to contemplate for a moment before answering. "The most direct route would be to send someone up through the elevator shaft we used to descend to this level. With enough force, that individual should be able to break through the top and out into the open. All other routes present greater obstacles and require more time than advisable to navigate them."

Frowns formed on the faces of all the Avengers as they contemplated what this might mean. Thor placed one hand on his hammer. "I could try to break through with Mjolnir," he offered.

"No guarantees that will actually work," Tony said, shaking his head. "It's not that I doubt your abilities, but I somehow don't think you can carry Hiro and break through a mountain without doing more damage than we want to deal with. Besides, the rest of us will need to follow behind you. Hiro's not the only one who needs medical attention."

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