Chapter Forty-One: Refused to Function

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Hiro set down the screwdriver he'd been using and pushed back the swivel stool from the desk so he could stretch. His muscles pinged uncomfortably with the strain but it felt good despite that. He wasn't sure how many days had passed since going back into the lab. It might have only been one, or maybe three or more. With such a regimented schedule, it made it hard to tell. And he wasn't even sure he'd been taken back during the night or day time hours. It made things a bit confusing on that end. Not to mention he wasn't entirely sure how long he slept each time they required it.

The food had improved drastically. The portions were small though, probably because he was essentially forced to eat more often than he was used to. The first few times had included some kind of thick custard that was easy to swallow, and was probably packed with nutrients and protein. After that, they'd started adding in vegetables and rice with some kind of meat. He didn't even try to figure out what, though he thought some was beef and some chicken. None of it looked even remotely close to fast food or any other junk food, for that matter. Part of him wished they'd just give him a burger already. He felt he'd scarf that down with no problem.

And then, of course, there were the required rest periods. Not fun. He'd tried sleeping the first few times but had failed miserably. It was almost as if he dreaded dreaming and, as a result, couldn't get his brain to shut up enough to rest. That's when the medic stepped in and sedated him. At least they didn't have to stick him with a needle every time, thanks to the IV catheter, which he had to be careful not to displace despite all the tape they'd used to secure it. In fact, it was almost time for one of those rest breaks, though he wasn't looking forward to it. While the drugs kept the dreams at bay, he knew they'd leak through eventually, one way or another. It had happened at least one time he could sort of remember, back when he was still in the medical suite.

Even with all the precautions, Hiro's work came slowly. With his body still weak, he'd had to cut back a lot on what he'd hoped to get accomplished. And even though the two assistants still working with him seemed okay with the reduced work load, he knew there was someone out there who wasn't. There were a few times when he overexerted himself and had to take a few minutes to recover before continuing, but nothing major. Yet.

It had taken him a bit to get back into the swing of things. He'd felt a need to go back over all the plans he'd created so far. And modified some of them. His overseers didn't need to know he'd added an extra project to the table. And since they couldn't read his design specs, he hoped they wouldn't catch on. Hearing that they were messing with both his and Kally's DNA didn't sit well and he had to find a way to get the two of them out of there sooner than later. He couldn't wait any longer for his friends to find them and break them out.

The semi circle on the workbench seemed to wink at him as he settled back down on the stool. It was deceptively simple in design, with small circuits running the length of it. He hadn't had a chance to try any basic programming yet, but he knew he could do that with ease. He'd done this who knew how many times after all. He just had to make sure his "helpers" kept thinking it was something related to the robot that lay half finished next to it. Both still had a lot of work left in them, but he knew he'd get it eventually. He had to.

Hiro took a moment to glance over at the desk where he'd stashed his microbots that first day in the lab. To all outwards appearances, they hadn't been touched since he'd put them there. That was a relief, though he couldn't be sure someone hadn't messed with them. He'd been out for the count for a good week. Anything could have happened during that time and he'd be none the wiser for it. Too bad he couldn't replicate more of them without causing suspicion.

Not bothering to wonder what the others might think of his actions, Hiro got up from the stool and made his way over to the desk in question. It was in the opposite direction of his curtained off "rest" area, but he just wanted to make sure all was well over there. He couldn't help but feel a bit restless. His legs were a little more sure than they were a day or two ago, but his muscles were still far from back to normal. And his pace was decidedly slow as well. Since he had to walk almost the whole distance of the room, he found himself slightly out of breath when he finally arrived at his destination, which sucked. He had to get back up to full strength and fast.

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