Chapter Thirty-Eight: Migraine

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Hiro couldn't help but stare as Kally was practically dragged into the medical suite like some kind of corpse. He'd finally managed to walk around the area without help; something he knew was a minor achievement in comparison to everything else. He gaped at her pale and sweaty face. One thing for sure, she did not look good.

"Over here," Dr. Bosch instructed as he saw the two guards bring Kally in. He indicated the same examination table he'd had her use only two days ago. Concern reflected in his eyes as he took in her pallor and pain-filled eyes. With the guards' help, he got her lying on the table, though she clutched at her head like it was going to split open. "What happened?"

The first of the two guards took a step back. "She threw up in her lab," he briefed, his face stony.

"Reports indicate atypical behavior before she began vomiting," the other guard offered.

Dr. Bosch rolled his eyes. "Yes, I can see that. Can you tell me anything helpful?" His back tensed in irritation as he turned to examine his new patient. When he flashed a light in her eyes, she cried out in pain. Well, that eliminated several different possibilities.

"She seemed faint before it happened," the first guard admitted. "She was staring at the computer screen before closing her eyes and leaning back against her chair. She sat that way for about ten minutes before pushing away from the work desk and and then threw up violently on the floor."

When Kally groaned in misery, Hiro couldn't help but empathize with her. From what they'd described, he could come up with a few possibilities. Neither of them sounded pleasant, though definitely not life threatening. Realizing he'd been standing in the same spot for several minutes now, Hiro found his knees shaking a bit. He reached for the nearest chair, which happened to be a wheeled stool, and sat down. The doctor hadn't been lying when he'd told him he'd be weak.

Dr. Bosch took Kally's vitals, noting her temperature was slightly elevated, but not to any point to draw too much concern. Her blood pressure, on the other hand, was higher than it should be, as was her pulse and respirations. "Thank you," he said, realizing the two guards were still there. "You may leave now."

"Can you turn off the lights, please?" Kally whimpered. Her plan had gone a little too well and the light only seemed to make the pain worse. It had been a long time since she'd last purposely called on a migraine. It was something she'd learned to do as a child when she wanted to get of doing something, like going to school. Once a headache manifested, the rest was fairly easy if she focused on it, especially since she always seemed to be in a constant state of stress.

The doctor complied, dimming the lights nearest her. He knew the cameras wouldn't be effected by the change so didn't worry about what certain people might say. He took his best medical stance, arms folded as he evaluated his patient. "You have a history of severe migraines," he stated. It was in her medical history, after all. And all the symptoms matched.

Kally grimaced. She'd really overdone it this time. Chances were good this one would last quite a while. "Yeah," she managed as she curled into fetal position, her back against the wall, hands still pressing against her head. "It's genetic."

"Hmm." Dr. Bosch frowned as he called up her medical history. He knew migraines could be debilitating, though the timing was certainly interesting. But, all things considered, it probably wasn't unexpected. Her medical history indicated her migraines may have been triggered by an overload of stress. At least one neurologist had noted that as a possible trigger. There were, unfortunately, no records for medications prescribed to treat them.

Hiro wobbled his way over. He'd had a little rest while watching things unfold. He'd only ever had the one migraine in one of his repeating timelines so he had some idea of what she might be going through. By the time he'd made it over to her side of the room, however, he was panting and had to lean against something. This totally sucked, like when he'd had the appendix episode. Totally not cool.

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