Chapter Twenty-Two: Should Be Interesting

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Wasabi stared out of the window of their car. They were passing more pastoral land now, but at least they'd managed to get a bite of something to eat while on this crazy road trip. It was after lunch time now and he couldn't help but feel the sleep coming back over him. It wasn't easy sleeping in a car and most of them hadn't gotten much anyway, what with all that had happened. "I hope we're almost there," he yawned. "I could really good use a nap."

Honey and GoGo exchanged glances with each other. Natasha looked back at them with a partially raised eyebrow. The two girls had been the ones to order the food and distribute it. They were the less likely to stand out. And the Black Widow wouldn't be surprised if one of them had slipped a little something extra into the man's cup. In fact she was pretty sure GoGo had, though she chose not to comment on it. She likely had her reasons.

Within a few minutes, Wasabi was out, snoring away as he leaned against the side of the car. "Finally," GoGo said as she stretched. "Now we can go at a more decent pace without him complaining. I still can't believe he got after you for running a yellow light. Wait. Actually, I can."

Natasha couldn't help but let out a little snort at that. The man was a stickler for rules, which was not necessarily a bad thing, but it did mean a certain level of inflexibility existed. Well, there was always one, she supposed. It wasn't like she didn't follow the rules. She did. She just knew when it was necessary to bend them a little.

"You might want to take this opportunity while he's asleep," Honey spoke up. "Hopefully he won't be as mad at us this time, though I don't think he'll suspect anything. We didn't give him as big of a dose this time." She sent a mental apology Wasabi's way, hoping he wouldn't realize what had happened.

Romanoff couldn't help but look back at the two women with an appraising eye. Apparently this was something they'd done before, just from their words alone, though she suspected it wasn't as unusual a practice for them as just that either. But it did give her a much needed reprieve from his constant back seat driving. "All right then," she said as she pressed down on the accelerator. "This should be interesting."


Kally woke with a start, her heart pounding. She had no idea where she was; just that something was restraining her movements. When she reached to grab it, she felt some kind of harness across her chest. She couldn't help but pull at it, trying to either break it or at least get it off of her. Everything seemed hazy, despite the adrenaline rushing through her veins. Part of her knew there was a threat there, though another part of her wanted to just shut down, the headache almost overwhelming her. But the fight or flight part of her wouldn't be ignored.

She pulled against the belt across her, not understanding how to disengage it. She let out a few grunts of frustration, trying not to hyperventilate. The material was too strong for her to break. She didn't recognize where she was, nor could she see it clearly enough to decide if she really did or didn't recognize anything around her.

"Shh, it is all right," a soft voice said to her right. She could feel warm vinyl against her arm as she struggled. There was something familiar about that voice, familiar and reassuring. "You are safe."

The sound of something ruffling against fabric came from just a bit further to her right. "Hey, Tony, I think she's awake." She caught the sight of a beanie out of the corner of her eye.

Kally blinked rapidly, feeling sluggish as her vision blurred once more before slowly coming back into focus. "Where am I?" she asked quickly, not sure what was going on. The disorientation only seemed to intensify.

Someone was leaning back to face her from the front passenger seat of what she correctly identified as a car. "Morning," the smaller person said, bringing to mind dark hair in dire needs of haircut, brown eyes, and a skinny frame. "Or should I say afternoon? You've been out for quite a while now."

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