Chapter three: Starting to cave in*Edited*

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It's been six months since Caleb whispered those sweet words and we laid under the stars together. He hasn't mentioned what he said on that night again, but he has been more touchy with me then he used to be. Before we would only touch each other to comfort one another but now he seems to always be hugging me for no apparent reason or sometimes just grazing his hand against mine when no else is looking. To most, this may seem like nothing, but to me it's everything. This boy drives me crazy but in the absolute best way possible. Right now we were at our secret hideout trying to catch fish at the pond, and later he actually would get to spend the night with me. Caleb told me he wanted a break from his sister, but I knew the truth. I noticed how much he had been limping lately. The beatings had gotten worse, ever since his sister got a boyfriend and started ignoring their daddy's wishes.

" Lucas look I caught one," Caleb said holding up a baby Brim.

" Of course a city boy like yourself would be excited by such a measly catch," I say laughing so hard that I start coughing.

" Oh shut up country boy, you haven't caught anything at all!" He said sticking his tongue out at me.

" Well I know I rather catch nothing at all, then catch a sissy lookin thing like that," I say teasingly.

" Nah, I know your secretly jealous, that a city boy is better at fishing then you are." He teases back while tossing the fish back into the pond.

" Well considering, I caught two Cat Fish the last time we fished I think I'll live," I say smirking at his annoyed expression.

" Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night." He mumbles, knowing I'm right then proceeds to put his fishing pole up and come sit by me.

" Well considering you'll be sleeping in my bed tonight, I don't think I'll be getting any sleep with your loud snores," I say bumping my leg into his jokingly, but before I can move my leg back he places his hand on my upper thigh. I swear my heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest as soon, as I feel his hand and it gets even worse when he starts moving his thumb in small circles.

" Hey, my snores are not that bad, now your kicking that's pretty bad." Caleb snorts rather loudly, acting like his hand isn't in a weird place for a boy to have on another boy.

" Well I'm sorry, that's my only defense against you trying to use me like a teddy bear. " I say. Trying to ignore his hand, in fear of him removing it if I bring too much attention to it.

" Oh come on, you know my cuddles are the best." He says smirking at me, and I laugh knowing he's right but not about to say anything about it to scare him off.

I spend the next few hours trying to catch a fish, and during this time he just leaves his hand on my thigh not once moving his hand. I finally give up trying to find a fish, knowing it will be too hard to concentrate with his hand there.

" I'll race you back to the house," I smirking fully aware of who would win.

" Don't look so smug Lucas, I've been practicing this time I'll beat you for sure!" He says sounding so sure of himself.

" Come on city boy, I think we both know how this is going to play out why don't stop before you hurt yourself." I tease making him roll his eyes.

" Are you sure you're just not scared, to be beat once again little country boy." He mocks.

" Okay, don't say I didn't warn you though," I said already knowing what the end result of this race will be.

We use a stick to mark the starting line, and we declare the end of the woods the finish line. Then we both count down from three to zero, as soon as we both hit the last number I take off in a sprint. I can hear Caleb struggling to keep up, and it makes me happy as usual to know that there is something I'm good at that he's not. I'm almost to the edge of the woods when I feel a shift in the air, and I turn my head to see what's going on. Before I can take in what's happening, I feel a body crash on top of me and knock the wind out of me as we both fall.

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