Chapter thirteen: Picking up the pieces

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These last two months have been tough. Watching the man you love, act like he doesn't care about you. It hurts, no it burns me from the inside out. I didn't just lose a lover, I lost my best friend. Now I didn't have any one left, it was just me and the club house. He hasn't even been back there. Right now I'm sitting by myself at lunch, under a tree. At first everyone questioned why we weren't friends anymore but now everyone's forgotten about me. Which I'm happy about, I'm tired of people reminding me of what happened.

 As I sit there, Caleb walks by with his friends, laughing. When he looks up, I gasp when I see his beaten face. I tell myself that he hurt me, that I shouldn't care. Too bad life, doesn't work that way. Wouldn't it be great if we could tell our heart to stop loving someone and it actually listen. I sit there munching slowly on my apple, when someone plops down next to me. I look over a part of me hoping it's Caleb. When I look next to me, I see it's just Greg. 

" Hey Greg." I say trying to hide my disappointment.

" Hey Lucas." He says smiling sadly at me.

" What are you doing here?" I ask genuinely curious.

" I just wanted to see how your doing." He says, his sad smile turning into a frown. 

" Oh now you care." I say bitterly. 

" I'm sorry Lucas, I just thought you wanted some space." He says with a guilty look on his face. 

"  Don't use that excuse,you've been ignoring me since you fought with Caleb." I mutter angrily. 

" I just thought that you chose him over me." He says looking away nervously. 

" Just because I stayed with him, it didn't mean we couldn't be friends still." I say, with less anger in my voice, too tired to be angry anymore. 

" Do you want the truth?" He asks,his leg thumping nervously. 

" Yes, I don't want any bull shit." I whisper exhausted. 

" I didn't want to stick around to watch Caleb hurt you." He says not even looking me in the eyes.

" If you knew he was going to hurt me, why didn't you warn me?" I ask not really angry, just curious. 

" Be honest Lucas, if I tried to tell you to leave him, would you have listened?" He questioned.

" No, I guess I can see where your coming from." I whisper. He's right, I was so blinded by my love for Caleb that I wouldn't of listened to anyone. Not even my daddy if he was alive. 

" I'm sorry for not being there after he finally chose her over you." He whispers as the bell rings.

" It's fine, I'm used to being left alone." I whisper painfully. 

" You shouldn't be used to something like that." He whispers, staring at me with that ever present depressed smile. 

" Meet at my car after school, we can hang out." He says as we get up.

" I don't know." I say scared of opening up again.

" Please Lucas, I don't like seeing you like this." He pleads as we walk to class.

" Fine, I guess it couldn't hurt" I say deciding to give in

" Thank you." He says stopping at his class room door.

" For what?" I ask confused.

" For giving me another chance." He whispers with a broken smile. 

After this I walk to my class and for the first time in months, I'm kind of happy. It's been a while since I had real human contact. I hung out with mamma sometimes after school, well more like took care of. She never said anything though it was like talking to a zombie. All she did was make weird noises and stare into nothing. Well that wasn't completely true, sometimes she would throw in a scratch here and there. My brother was always drunk so no eligible conversations ever occurred between us. I had plenty of fun conversations with myself though. I could argue and make fun of myself for hours, it was so enjoyable. Sometimes to spice things up, I would play a card game against myself, wow so much excitement. 

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