Chapter fifteen: Old scars reopen

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It's been two months since Caleb got mad at me. Before in the halls, he wouldn't even look at me. Now everywhere I went, he would glare at me. I tried to talk to him but he would turn the other way, when I even was in the same area as him. Greg told this was a good thing, that maybe I can finally let go. Ironically this only made me hold on even more. I hated being the one to screw up for once. I was trying to get over him,I really was. You don't get over your first love easily, it takes time and distance. That's the problem, time was advancing on but distance stayed the same. Greg just dropped me at the barren place I call home. I'm not looking forward to seeing my skin and bones mother, who constantly scratches. 

When I enter the door, I'm surprised to see my brother home for once. He's usually out drinking almost every night with his friends, which is saddening considering he's only twelve years old. At that age Caleb and I would would go catch frogs or play in the woods. My little brother hung out with the wrong kind of people, they were a few years older than him. With my mamma in such a bad place, it was easy for him to do whatever he wanted. He never listened to me, heck he was already bigger than me.

" Where's mamma?" I ask looking around the living room. When I look at him,I'm shocked to see his eyes bloodshot, he had been crying. My brother never cried, he drank away his emotions.

" Where is she?" I ask again my voice quivering.

" She's in the hospital." He whispers staring down at his hands.

" The hospital." I say not believing the words.

" She overdosed, they don't know if she'll make it." He whispers, his voice hoarse. 

His words send my heart into a downward spiral. Sure, she hadn't exactly been completely here the last few years but she still was my mamma. I look around the house for my mamma's car keys and I try to convince my brother to come with me. He just shakes his head and says he's going to a friend's house. Figures, I would have to face this alone. While I told Greg many secrets this is one I couldn't bring myself to tell him. I hadn't even admitted it myself, I saw the signs. I just didn't want it to be real. I get in the car but I can't bring myself to start it. What if when I get there, she's already gone? What if I could have stopped this? I can't bring myself to face the judging stares of doctors and nurses as they tell me the news.  

All of the sudden I hear a knock on my window, when I look I'm surprised to see him. I open the door hurriedly and run straight into his arms, not caring if other people see. He catches me and wraps his arms tightly around, giving me the safe feeling I miss. 

" Lucas, what's wrong?" He asks clear worry in voice. 

" It's my mom." I whisper tears streaming down my face as I finally let myself go. 

" Where is she?" He asks, not forcing me to go into detail.

" The hospital." I whisper breathing in his familiar scent. 

"Come on give me the keys, I'll drive you." He whispers into my hair, pulling away from me.

 I just nod and hand him the keys, trusting him completely. We get in and drive in silence, he puts one of his hands on top of mine. His hand helps put me at ease, until we're at the hospital. Then I start to shake in fear. I stare of the big and looming building, remembering last time I was here. My daddy was pronounced dead and the world I once knew was shaken up. Before I can let myself get lost in my dark thoughts, I feel his hand on mine again. This time gripping my hand in his bringing me back to reality. 

" Thank you for being here, Caleb." I whisper almost choking on his name.

 He's a better person than me. Even though he's mad at me, he still is here for me. Unlike Greg who would ask too many questions. He just knows I'm hurting and wants to be there for me. 

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