Chapter nine: Getting lost in love *Edited*

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It's been two months since the incident with the gay bar, I'm just glad that the police officer showed up when he did. It scared me that Caleb would go as far to harm other people to impress the others. Sure, he said it was to protect us, but he could have found a way out of it. It's funny, he was distant with me, but now it's the opposite. I've been trying to ignore his attempts to hang out alone, and he's been trying his hardest to make up for what he almost did. I understand that to them being is gay is wrong, but how can they light heartily try to hurt someone. I'm more scared than ever, if someone finds out, I could end up dead or worse Caleb could. Today's my sixteenth birthday, and Caleb has a present he wants to give to me later tonight. He said it's at our clubhouse, but it will have to wait until it's dark outside.

" What kind of present is it, that you can only give it to me at night?" I ask curiously as we head to the clubhouse.

" Come on my little country boy, you'll just have to be patient." He says ruffling my hair.

" You know patience isn't my strong suit," I say with a pout.

" Oh trust me, that I know for sure." He says smirking.

" Why do you always have to bully me, mean city boy," I say hitting his shoulder making him wince.

" Are you, okay?" I ask worried as I rub the place where I hit him.

" Yes, just a little bruised, but I'll be fine." He says trying to act tough, but that facade doesn't work on me anymore.

" I don't care if you're fine, I'm still looking whether you like it or not," I say stomping my foot and crossing my arms stubbornly.

" Fine, I'll show you when we get inside." He says, as we near the clubhouse.

" Good, if you didn't I would just hold you down, and look anyways," I say stubbornly.

" Lucas, you may be faster than me, but I'm still stronger." He says with a smirk.

" I know, but still I would try," I mumble bitterly, as we start to climb the ladder to the clubhouse.

" You can try all you want, but we still know how it would turn it out." He says, laughing as we enter the clubhouse.

When we enter I'm left speechless, all around the small, cluttered clubhouse are balloons, streamers, and even a cake.

" Did you do all this yourself?" I whisper, astounded that he did all this just for me.

" Yeah I gathered some money together for the decorations, but my mom made the cake." He says nervously.

I move farther into the room, looking at the balloons, which are purple my favorite color and the cake which is strawberry, my favorite flavor.

" I can't believe you remembered my favorite cake and color," I whisper feeling like I'm going to cry.

I really can't believe he did all this, I know I love him, but I didn't think he felt as strongly about me. I'm glad he did this though, my mom didn't even remember my birthday this year. It was around the same time my dad died, so she forgot all about me. I honestly didn't think I would even get a cake this year, Caleb most likely did this so I would forgive him. While a part of me does, another still remembers him holding that lighter over the building. I keep wondering, what if one them wanted him to do something to me. Would he do it? If it meant impressing them, would he hurt me?

" Of course, I remembered." He whispers, grinning that smile that makes me forget what he's done.

" You remember when no one else does," I say starting to cry.

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