Epilogue: New Beginnings

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It's finally summer and I should be moving soon. First, I have a few more things I need to take care of.  Right, now I'm heading over to a place where I can finally get some closure. First I'm stopping at the club house, to get our memory box. I need it for this, I haven't even looked at since he died. I can't bring myself to look at anything with his face in it. Sometimes just hearing his name will send me into a down ward spiral. I walk into the club house, a place that has been more of home than my actual house ever was. So many memories here, good and bad. 

The first time, we said that we loved each other. That beautiful summer we spent together, just kids having fun. When we made love for the first time. These are memories that I will never forget but I need to leave and move on with my life. If I don't do it soon, I'll stay here forever lost in my country boy. I hesitantly grab the box, taking it outside along with my few bags of clothes. My mother sneaked some clothes and money to me a while back, enough for food. I saved most of it for the plane ticket, I knew I would eventually need. 

As I walked away, I told myself not to look back but of course I couldn't help myself. When I turned around and looked at the place that I spent the best times of my life at. I felt a tear slip down my face, seeing a young Caleb and Lucas chase each other around. That young Lucas turned and smiled at me. His beautiful bright sky blue eyes looking more lively than ever.  Soon that young Lucas turned into the older one. His blue eyes became more dead but still just a gorgeous. He smile sadly at me, as he turned and walked away. He looked back one last time, before disappearing completely. I felt myself tremble, as I tried to reach out after him. Instead I waved good bye, I will give him a proper good bye soon enough. 

I force myself to walk away, I walk through the woods for hopefully the last time. I look at the house that caused me so much pain over the years, flipping it off as I went by it. A part of me, hoping my father would see. I kept on going eventually walking by my hell hole high school, also flipping it off. Finally,I make it to the last place on my list. Lucas's grave. I looked at the cheap plaque, he was too young. He deserved better from the Universe, we failed him.  Such an innocent soul, who we couldn't save. I kneel down, tracing his headstone. I feel a presence behind but I was expecting it, so it doesn't scare me.

" I thought I'd find you here." Greg whispers softly. 

" Just saying my goodbyes." I whisper a bitter smile on my face. 

" So we're really heading to New York?" He asks. 

" Yeah, my sister will help us get on our feet." I whisper. 

" Okay, well I'll let you finish up here." He walks away, leaving me alone once again. 

I sit there a few minutes before opening up the box. Before I lay out the pictures, I need to say goodbye. 

" Lucas, my sweet little country boy." I whisper already feeling my bottom lip tremble. 

" I know I failed you in life but I swear I'll do better for you in death." I feel a tear slip down. 

" I'm going to fight for our rights,so other boys like yourself can live in peace." I feel another tear fall slowly down my face. 

" Then again, there's no one as special as you Lucas." I chuckle bitterly. 

" I love you and always will but it's time for me to go." I feel my eyes watering even more. 

I go back to the box and takes out the photos. One of him and his father, arms wrapped around each other smiling. Then another this time one and of me and him. The same one in my locket, of when we both young and pure still. I clutch the locket against my chest, the only piece of him iI'll be bringing besides the note. The note I still haven't read, the note I need to read before I leave. I unfold the note he left for me, before he left this world for good. I tried so many time to read it but every time the words just sort of blurred together. I was never ready to read it because I knew when I did, it would really be good bye. I would have to force myself to be strong and actually do something with my life. Other than mourn, like I still would do for a while. This time though, it wouldn't be as noticeable. I force the note open and I as read the note, the tears finally come out in full force. 

* Dear City boy, I know you probably hate me right now. I would hate it, if you left me too. I just want you to know, it's not your fault. I've been to weak for this world, for a while now. Ever since my daddy died, I just haven't wanted to live anymore. I pushed on for you though. I told myself if you could live through your father's beatings, that I could live as well. Sadly I'm  not as strong as you. When Micheal and his friends caught Greg and I. I knew I had to take the blame. Greg has so much more going for him, than I do. Plus, don't act like you wouldn't have done the same. Always having to play the hero. Never change, Caleb. Micheal and friends would of killed both us. At least with out me, you have a chance at living. I want you not to blame Greg or yourself. Move on and live, if not for yourself then at least for me. I know you'll do great things, and maybe even meet someone better than me. You deserve only the best, I hope you find it.*

- Love,

Lucas, aka: Country boy.

I feel my hands tremble, as I read the note over and over again. Finally, I get up. Smiling sadly, at his words. I guess he didn't realize, I already had the best. I grab the box and my bags, walking away. This time, I don't look back as I head over to Greg. Preparing to fly away, to new adventures. Hoping to better the future, for people who can't help who they love. 

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