Chapter ten:Slowly going down hill *Edited*

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Lucas,1985,Huntsville, Alabama

That night after we made love for the first time, for the first time in years I actually felt happy. It was like I finally felt secure in our relationship, he loved me, and I loved him. There's still the problem of his friends but besides that everything is finally perfect. I find myself smiling almost every day, he even started spending more time with me. His father hasn't even beat him that much in the last few months. It was like after we finally gave into our love for one another, everything else slowly fell into place. Today is Friday, so we do have to hang out with his friends after practice, but after that, it's just Caleb and me.

" Come on Lucas, it's time for us to hit the showers," Caleb says, breaking me out of my thoughts.

" Oh yeah sorry I'm coming," I say, sprinting after him.

We make our way into the locker room, and I get into the shower, trying not to think about how Caleb is in a shower nearby. This is one problem that has arisen from our new found activities, I have to work extra hard not to get aroused in the locker rooms now. Caleb has learned to avoid looking at me at all while we are in here. I don't have the same self-control though. After finally getting all of Caleb even his heart, I don't plan on ever letting go. I step out of the shower and reach for my towel, but when I do all I grab is air. Frustrated, that one of these piss heads stole my towel, I just decide to hop out without one. When I get out, I feel a sharp pain on my butt all the sudden. Clenching my butt in pain, I turn around only to see Greg wearing a massive grin on his face, with my towel in his hand.

" Really Greg, you're so childish." I groan, holding my butt where he hit me.

" Yeah but that's what makes me awesome," Greg smirks while looking me up and down rather slowly.

I still don't see how he can just look at me like that in public, and no one notices. Maybe it's because he has a girlfriend, most people probably don't see when he has Jessica. Who's the second prettiest girl in our grade. I think the only reason I notice, is because I'm just like him. I just wish he would stop doing things like this, it just makes Caleb angry. A part of me secretly likes seeing Caleb jealous, but another part is scared because he doesn't act like himself when he's angry.

" Sure Greg, slapping boy's butts when they're helpless makes you awesome," I say annoyed.

" Well you're always helpless, so it's pretty easy." He chuckles rather loudly.

" You're such a pisshead." I pout.

" A what head?" Greg asks confused.

" A pisshead is a term he uses instead of cursing," Caleb growls, from behind me, making me jump.

" Hey there Caleb didn't see you there." He smirks, in an obvious way letting me know he clearly knew he was there.

" Yeah sure you didn't, what are you doing to Lucas?" He huffs angrily.

" Don't worry, I'm just having a little fun with your boy." Greg winks.

The words your boy makes Caleb tense up. Which makes no sense, he has to know that Greg obviously knows about us. Especially after his outburst when Greg tried to kiss me. I really love this boy, but sometimes I want to smack him upside the head. Plus after he saw Greg try to kiss me, he has to know that Greg is like us. So why would he tell on us, Caleb is afraid of any little comment about us.

" Well stop harassing him, it makes you look gay," Caleb says ignoring his comment.

" Oh come on Lucas is very pretty, I can't help myself." He laughs.

" I have to agree if Lucas was a girl, he'd make a pretty good lay," Micheal says popping out of nowhere, scaring all of us.

" Would you guys stop, this is a weird conversation," Caleb says, wrinkling his nose.

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