Chapter twenty: Trying to get away

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It's been a month since I fought with my brother. He hasn't brought up accusing me of liking boys, but then again he hasn't really been home too. I've been working more now than ever, worried about falling behind on the bills. Right now, I'm heading to my car. Trying to hurry up and leave school for work. Knowing that my shift doesn't start for an hour but I need some extra hours. Before I can get to my car someone taps me on the shoulder. Turning around I'm surprised to see Greg standing there. Looking more exhausted than ever but he smiles at me. When I don't smile back, he grimaces. 

" What do you want Greg?" I ask.

" I just wanted to talk." He says not looking me in eyes. 

" Okay well then talk." I mutter annoyed.

" In private." He says gesturing to my car.

I roll my eyes but oblige his request, curious to what he wants. He has to know that I'm still friends with Caleb. Unless he changed his mind and decided that it didn't matter. Which, with him that seriously doubtful. I sit down in the drivers seat, I wait for him to get in my car. He finally does very hesitantly, like he's afraid I'll start moving my car with him hanging out the door. 

"I just wanted to see, if we could be friends again." He whispers,nervous. 

 " Really, you do realize that I'm still friends with Caleb?" I question with a raised eyebrow. 

" Yeah but you seemed to really miss me, so I thought maybe you would choose me." He looks at me, begging. 

"Greg, I'm not choosing, I don't know what gave you that idea." I say exasperated. 

" I still can't believe you love him, he's hiding his love for you behind a girl." He mutters angrily.

" Excuse you, you hid behind a girl too!" I snap at his hypocrisy.  

"  I wasn't dating someone at the time!" He snaps back. 

" You have no right to judge, especially when you dated the same girl!" I yell. 

" There you go as usual, defending your poor Caleb." He laughs humorlessly. 

" Just get out, I don't have the energy to deal with you anymore." I whisper.

" Funny that's exactly what my father said to me." He smiles bitterly but gets out of the car.

How, could he think that I would choose between them. Caleb didn't like me being friends with Greg either, but even he wasn't this bad. I just didn't know what to do anymore. There was nothing I could do, I guess. I just had to force a smile on my face and march forward. I sit there for a minutes before driving to my job. I work until about eleven o'clock at night, helping closing the front of the supermarket. I make my way home, exhausted but also happy knowing I get paid Monday. Also work helped kept my mind off certain things, or people I should say. I get in my car and decide for once that I'm going to go home. It starts to pour down raining,when I'm almost home. 

I finally make it home, I dread getting out and having to run in this weather. I open my car door fast, and take off in a sprint. By the time I make it in the house, I'm soaking wet. I check on my mamma, who's passed out on the couch. I just shake my head and drag a blanket on top of her. I make my way to my room, too tired to even check if my brother is home. I throw off my clothes, and just fall on top of my bed. When I fall backwards though,I feel a huge lump on my bed. Then I jump up fast, making the huge lump groan. When I throw my blankets back, I'm surprised to see a smiling Caleb there. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I whisper in astonishment.  

" Sorry,I just needed some place to stay. " He grins sadly.

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