10 - Welcome To The Family (8/23/18 New Chapter)

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Video: I Walk The Line by Halsey

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter ten update coming soon...


10 - Welcome To The Family

Declan sat at the head of the table, fully clothed, with a wine glass in hand and posed at his lips. But he wasn't alone. There were four other people, two on either of the long table with their heads were bent forward, as though in prayer.

His gaze wandered from his company and landed on her.

"Awe, you're up," Declan spoke before taking another sip of his wine. The others didn't seem to notice her entrance at all and continued to sit silently bent forward. "Please, sit. You must be ravished." He motioned toward the vacant chair at his side but she didn't move, she couldn't.

The others stirred when Eden didn't take her seat.

Their heads lifted one by one from their payer pose in wonderment. They turned her way, yet none of them spoke to her, they merely stared at her in complete silence. Eden stared back, stunned and appalled by their appearance.

A frown settled over her brow as she glanced back at Declan.

    "Am I mistaken? Are you not hungry after all?" He cocked his head towards the chair. "Come here and sit."   

"You're all naked." Eden glanced back at the others, taking in their nakedness.

"You are quite the observer aren't you?" Declan motioned again for Eden to sit. "I won't ask you again."

Eden sat even though she didn't want to and noticed the redhead at the end of the table. She was the one from the ball, the one who went on before Diamond. Her pale skin glowed and her hair laid in a tight braid down her back, little ringlets framed her face. Her large blue eyes stared blankly up at her.

The man next to the redhead cracked a smile at Eden. He was handsome, boyish, and lean. His brown hair was cropped short against his scalp.

The man and woman across from them were their exact opposite. They held each other's hand on top of the table, showing their bond. He was a giant of a man, with broad shoulders, strong muscles, and deep brown skin. The woman, on the other hand, was small. Her petite frame sat in his shadow. Her olive skin flawless. She was more than just beautiful; she was breathtaking. Brown eyes, dark hair pulled back in the same style of braid at the redhead, only shorter. Her thick lips parted into a wide grin as she openly met Eden's stare.     

"Lucky me, I've stumbled upon a nudist colony." Eden sat across from the man sitting next to the redhead.

Their gazes met, and Eden smiled at him.

"You'll be joining their ranks soon enough."

Eden burst out laughing and flicked her wrist as though shooing him away.

Declan leaned back in his chair, lifting the wine glass to his lips for another drink and asked, "Did I say something funny?"

"In your wildest dreams, Romeo. I'll wear these every day before I join the likes of them." Eden motioned towards the others at the table and quickly added, "No offense."

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