2 - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow (New Chapter 9/8/2018)

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Video: White Rabbit by Pink

Hey guys! I'm pleased to announce that this is a brand new chapter for Breaking Eden. Give it a read and let me know down below in the comments what you honestly think. Good or bad, I'll take it if it'll help improve my story.

As always, please point out any mistakes you may find while reading. Fresh eyes see everything I miss. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share to help get Breaking Eden to #1! :0)

Chapter three update coming soon...



2 - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

The door creaked opened. A flick of a switch and everything became alive with movement.

Moments later the darkness, for which Eden had succumbed to, changed to a muted red behind her closed eyelids. She cracked her eyes open, blinded by the overwhelming light above her, and stirred. 

The atmosphere in the room darkened when Declan stepped in. His steely gaze bore holes into her body.

Doped up on pain meds and still tied to the bed of the medical room, Eden's hands had long ago grown numb. Her arms and shoulders ached from fighting against the ropes all night.

"Are you ready to listen?" Declan paused at her side.

Eden tried to lift her throbbing head but couldn't.

"Water." She croaked.

"What was that?" He pulled up the stool and sat next to her, grinning like a madman. "Was that you trying to tell me you're ready and willing to behave like an adult?"

It took more effort for Eden to nod than it would have been to speak the word he was looking for. Saying yes to him would destroy the last bit of hope she had of getting out of this place. Speaking that word would have shown him her weakness, and she wasn't having that.

"Very well then." Declan pulled a paper cup down from the cabinet above the sink and filled it. "Don't drink too fast." Slipping a hand behind her head, he lifted it and brought the cup to her parched lips.

Greedily, Eden gulped down the water.

"Would you care for some more?"

Eden nodded as her throat burned for more.

With his back turned, Eden began to cough, then chock. Her stomach heaved. The water she had drunk was coming back up. Panic ensued when she could roll her head. Her arms were blocking either side of her face, and her neck was too sore.  

"Shit!" In Declan's hast to get to Eden, he dropped the cup he had just filled. It fell to the floor at his feet, sending water everywhere. He rolled Eden onto her side, twisting her arms painfully across each other, so she didn't inhale her vomit.

Her stomach heaved again, expelling the last bits of the water, stomach acid, and pain meds onto the floor. Her lungs throbbed, as did her stomach, yet she was left staring up at him, wondering again why he helped her. He worked at the ropes at her wrists, loosening them before tugging her hand free.   

"I told you not to drink so fast." He brushed some matted puke soaked hair off of her wet cheek. "All better now?" His hand rubbed soothing circles over her back.

"More." Eden coughed.


She nodded.

His hand paused in mid-circle. "Are you going to listen to me this time and not drink too quickly?"

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