Chapter 1~

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"Where to even begin I guess a thank you? But that just doesn't seem like enough"

"Ah what an embarrassing question to ask... Is she probably already saying something cheesy isn't she? Like, thank you, yeah that sounds like her."

"What? He thinks I'm cheesy ah I'm not the one who decided to choose the same job as me!"

"She just super cute when she's embarrassed, her bunny smile and her cute little nose ah! Just talking about it makes me want to give her a giant hug!"

"He has this magic way of always making me happy.." 

"Hm? Who loves who more?"

"Well, of course, I love him/her way more then he/she does!"

Going to school was a drag it was the same routine every single day just study and sleep that was all my life ever was and the sad part is I was okay with it. I didn't have to worry about anyone spreading rumors about me and with my parents constantly at each other's throats I didn't have to really worry about them hovering over me if I had to explain it I was content with being alone the silence was enough for me. My mind filled me with enough troubles that I didn't need outlets causing more of a tidal wave of thoughts "Hey homework you got it or not?" I was bonked on my head and I looked up and puffed my cheeks out "Justin you're going to give me a bruise if you keep hitting me." I pulled the assignment out of my binder and handed it to him "Whatever, look mom asked me to invite you out tonight with my friends and I, since dad and she won't be home till late you in or not?" I was about to answer but a few girls interrupted me; I lowered my head as a sigh escaped my lips "Justin! Can you come sit with us we don't get this problem~" Justin quickly walked over towards the girls and I looked back towards my textbook, Justin is my twin brother which causes a few problems for me since a bunch of the girls have a crush on him but I don't really get it, all he does is play video games and hangs out with his friends he's constantly with people I don't get people like my brother how can he be so open and honest with everyone? I slipped my earphones in and continued my self-study usually this class turns into a self-study because our teacher is on the verge of a mental break down she breaks into tears almost every day because of her boyfriend, not that I have a problem with it. Although why would a woman depend so much on a useless person that causes her pain? It just means I have to teach my self the material or else my brother and I would be screwed for the test. This is the only class we have together and he constantly asks for my work I don't think he's passing his other classes. Ah, I just want to sleep why can't this day just end already?

"Koda don't think you're going anywhere." I was grabbed by the blazer and I looked over to see my brother and I dropped my shoulders as my eyes fell, I was exhausted "Oh yeah." He let me go and I followed him down the hall and up the 3rd floor, looking around I saw classes I've never seen and everyone was laughing in the rooms "I've never been up here before." He scoffed and glanced towards me then pointed around "Of course you haven't you hate doing anything extra, this is the art hall basically where a bunch of clubs meet and hang out." I bobbed my head it's not that I hate doing extra things it's just I'm too tired to actually pursue any extra stuff. Plus with home well, I should say the place that takes up most of my energy. I don't have time to focus on anything else so I can keep my brother safe "Hey you're not gonna go and rat on us that we have this place right?" I ran into him since he stopped and I backed away looking towards him. He seemed annoyed is it because of me? If so that's okay as long as he only hates me "I don't talk to the teacher why would I go out of my way just to cause troubles?" He laughed and ruffled my hair up I flinched at the contact as he lightly slapped my face "That's why you're the best sis, so easy." My eyes narrowed I hated those words they are meaningless. To compliment others just because they do as you say, it doesn't bring the other joy it makes them feel like a puppet.

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