Chapter 18

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After eating Yugyeom and I walked to a near by river and sat down "I haven't been to a river in a while, did you catch up on your romance dramas for this date?" He nodded and placed his arm behind me and leaned back "I guess you could say that but you know I always listen when you have an existential crisis at 3 in the morning and you tend to talk a lot about space, so I searched and this is one of the perfect places to star graze." I looked up towards the stars and smiled I guess all those late night rants it wasn't just going through one ear and out the other Gyeom here has a pretty good memory "Oh also here." I looked over and he handed me an earbud "I actually made an audition for String Entertainment I want you to listen to it." My eyes widened and I grabbed the ear piece "You're kidding right? Yugyeom! Thats so amazing you're actually going after your dream!" He shrugged his shoulders and looked up towards the sky as a smile spread across his lips "You taught me something important Koda, you taught me that even if my dream seems impossible to other people if I'm willing to work hard I can do anything." I smiled a bit I couldn't really focus on the stars Yugyeom seemed especially handsome tonight. Putting the ear piece in I looked up to the stars as I heard the beginning to my favorite song, I started to tear up and I looked towards Yugyeom and he laughed as he pulled me into a hug "Awe come on don't cry Koda!" I covered my face as the tears fell I don't know why I was crying I was so happy to be here in this moment I guess I just couldn't hold my emotions together "Its so good Yugyeom it really is so beautiful." He rocked me side to side until I finished the song and stopped crying, looking towards him I laughed as I kissed his cheek "How is it possible I got so lucky and stumbled across you?" He pinched my nose and we laughed a little "I suppose our red string got tired of being so long." I giggled as I covered my face "You remembered my theory of the red strong of fate!" He laughed harder as he looked to the sky "Of course! What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't!" I couldn't stop smiling I almost felt like a little kid because of how giddy I was! We began to just watch the stars as we listened to music it was amazing, I felt so happy to be here next to him.

"I got a dance move!" I jumped up and he looked towards me with a sheepish smile "Alright lets see it." I nodded and quickly remembered the song we were just listening to and started moving along to it until I heard a camera my eyes snapped open and I saw Yugyeom smiling down at his phone as he laid back "Awe~ Little bunny so passionate!" I knelt down next to him and saw the picture "Yugyeom~! Delete it!" I leaned over his shoulder to grab his phone but he quickly leaned away puffing his cheeks out causing his nose to scrunch up "No way not everyday do I get a picture of the Koda Jeon." I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on his shoulder, laying next to him and grabbed his phone "What ever if you wanted a picture you could have just saved my snaps." Pulling up his camera I smiled holding it up "Cheese~" He leaned into me and I took the picture "Awe you two are so cute." I looked up to see a man in a business suit and we quickly got to our feet and whipping our clothes off and bowed "Hello sir, and thank you." He nodded and shook our hands, how strange no one has ever walked up to us like this "If you don't mind me asking how old are you guys?" I looked over towards Yugyeom and then back towards the man "We're 16 just a few months apart." I nodded agreeing with Yugyeom as he grabbed my hand "Ah young love, I hope you guys stick with it!" We smiled and bowed once again as he gave us the encouraging words.

"Darling~" I heard a familiar voice and my body tensed up and I looked over to see my mother wearing a skimpy dress and my eyes narrowed as my body went cold "Ah hello, I was just talking to this young couple." She made eye contact with me and her face fell "Oh no need to concern yourself with the girl she's not worth our time." I bawled up my fist for some reason my patience has been zero to none today letting go of Yugyeom's hand I already felt like crying "I'm not worth a tramps time? Ha that's priceless I bet I could run laps around you." She seemed surprised and I glared towards her, I'm really starting to hate people who try and push me over like some toy. "W-Why I never though my own d-" I raised my eyebrow and the man looked at her confused "Your own what? I couldn't quite understand you under all that heavy make up to hide your dark circles. Crying over a guy hitting you again?" I started to remember all those times I basically begged for her to be by my side and tell me that it was okay, I cried so many times alone wishing she'd hug me like a caring mother "Koda! You better shut your mouth right now! I'm trying to move on from your father let me be happy!" Yugyeom quickly wrapped his arm around me and I stopped my tears from falling "Darling what's going on here? How do you know this young girl?" I looked towards the oblivious and confused man and I'm guessing Yugyeom's met my mother before from sleep overs so he isn't confused "Well if you must know honey this is my disgrace of a daughter."

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