Chapter 6~~~

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After visiting our grandparents grave over the weekend, it was now Monday I have been filling my brain with questions since I left detention that day, "Koda do you have the notes for 5th hour? I forgot them." I looked towards Justin "That's our only class together and you constantly ask me for stuff." I handed him the notes and he sat down next to me we were currently sitting in the hall since our classes were canceled for an emergency the test were apparently not ready "No I'm just- okay I'm slaking off a little bit in the class but I have a lot on my mind you know?" I smiled but a familiar face caught my attention causing me to forget what I was going to say "Justin you're good here alone right? Can you watch my stuff?" He nodded a bit confused but waved me away and I quickly jogged down the hall turning the corner I saw his figure and I walked rather quickly this is the first time I've seen him alone all day.

"U-Um excuse me Y-Yugyeom?" He turned towards me and I caught up with him making sure I stood straight up "What?" I pinched my wrist so I'd stop freaking out he's so tall "I was wondering if we could go some where and talk?" He looked at me like I was crazy but I was trying to look confident and he suddenly pushed my forehead "Yah Jeon I thought you weren't one of those girls?" My face went bright red and I quickly waved my hands around but suddenly he started laughing which confused me why is he being like this? I thought he was a big scary guy? "You're way to innocent, yeah sure come on I was on my way to a quiet place any way." He turned around and I shook my head a bit and followed him down the hall, such a strange giant already.

When we got to the basement and I got a bit nervous "Y-Yugyeom I-I don't think-" I thought I saw a snake so I ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him as I hid my face into his back "I don't like this I don't like this!" I shook my head and suddenly he grabbed my wrist "You still wear this?" I poked my head under his arm to see my K bracelet "Oh yeah I found it a few days ago and decided to start wearing it again, but how did you know about this?" I let go of him and he traced his fingers across the K "No reason, well lets get going before you try and hug me again." I turned bright red and I shoved him puffing my cheeks out I tried to be mad but we both laughed a little "You butt face, I thought I saw a snake.." He chuckled a bit and we got to a blue door without anymore snakes "Ready to see something only I know of?" I looked towards him a bit interested for some reason I feel like I've met him before and I trust him.

"Okay! I wonder what it is~" Once he opened the door my eyes widened when I saw a dance studio and I covered my mouth as I walked in, looking towards Yugyeom he smiled and walked towards a computer "Pretty cool huh? I come here all the time to dance and just be myself." I nodded as I spun around a bit and I smiled I haven't been in a dance studio in so long..

"What did you want to talk about?" He took his blazer off and was on a computer typing some things in "Oh yeah I almost forgot, can you tell me about what happened in detention?" He looked back towards me but I was still out of it I really wanted to dance "What?" I rubbed my neck and awkwardly laughed a bit so much for acting tough around the giant "Well you see I have no idea what happened and I'm really confused s-so c-can you tell me..?" He turned towards me "What kind of girl are you? Don't all girls suck up all the gossip. I thought you girls lived off of it." I shook my head a bit pissed at the comment but its typical after all girls are annoying I can agree with that.

"What no ew gross I live off of lettuce wraps and water." He laughed a bit and turned back around shaking his head "Alright rabbit what do you want to know about what happened?" I moved a little closer so I didn't have to talk loudly plus he seemed warm "What did Lee mean when he said boss? And why did he back away when Tate approached him, also what do you mean I'm not worth being sent to the hospital?" He looked towards me as I was a little out of breath "Damn Jeon you talk a lot more then I expected." I turned a bit red and looked away from him "Don't get u-used to it." He scoffed and for some reason I felt like I was lying "All your questions surround Tate is it possible you're coming out of your shell to find out about him? And you knew if anyone wouldn't spread things around it would be me right? Little Jeon you're trickier then people give you credit for."

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