Chapter 4~~

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It's been a few weeks since Justin and I moved in with Tate and the time I got sick, I've slowly gotten used to being around them, when I'm around them my chest doesn't feel as heavy but I still can't help but feel nervous after what happened the last time I let someone close. Maybe I can actually become friends with them after a few more weeks for once I'm hoping thats true, I don't want to be what Jimin calls a robot anymore. Two weeks ago I was studying downstairs when Jimin and Tate told me that I have a Koda buried under a robot, I didn't understand it but a part of me has been searching for the answer to my confusion.

As I was walking down the halls with Tate and Jimin we were talking about a project in science we were all struggling on when I was suddenly shoved into the lockers by a guy I winched a little in pain as Jimin and Tate quickly grabbed my arms to see if I was okay "Oops didn't see such a sort person walking." I frowned and bowed I need to control my anger so I don't black out "Hey you need to properly apologize!" Tate suddenly shoved him into the locker and things got really quite Jimin held onto my arm as we watched Tate "You could clearly see her, you purposely did that!" Jimin sighed and looked towards me but I lowered my head everyone was starring and I didn't want to cause problems but why do they all seem scared? "Alright, Koda Jeon I'm sorry alright we good?" I bobbed my head as I stepped a little closer to Jimin and he shook Tate off and quickly scurried away and Tate fixed his blazer as he walked back towards us "Jerk, I hate guys like that." He looked towards me and grabbed my shoulder he seemed concerned "You good?" I nodded and he fixed my uniform a bit and smiled "Lets head up to the 3rd floor."

We headed up to the 3rd floor and I jogged up to catch up with Justin and I grabbed his sleeve a little curious of what just went down "Justin why is it that when ever Tate or the others snap at people they instantly listen to them?" He looked at me confused as if I was crazy for asking "Wait you don't know?" I tilted my head confused and he flicked me as he laughed a bit "Aish such an innocent little thing, we're the schools bad boys didn't you know?" I looked back towards Jimin and Tate who were jumping around like idiots and I looked back towards Justin in disbelief but what he said made my stomach twist I didn't like the sound of 'bad boy' "I don't believe you they're all so nice how can they be thugs?" He chuckled and we walked into the base "Trust me they aren't always nice to others." I covered my stomach as the sound of cameras could be heard, sitting down I grabbed a bag of chips and scooted next to Jin "Koda have you had any vegetables today?" I looked towards Jin and shook my head and he grabbed the bag of chips as I pouted slightly, Jin when I'm around him I feel myself acting more childish "Eat healthy we don't want you sick again like a few weeks ago." I smiled a little and opened the lunch to see lettuce wraps "Oh! Jin how'd you know Koda loves those!" Justin leaned over to look at the lunch "I'm your mom of course I would know what my kids like! You don't think I notice you guys picking around food? Koda and Tate are the pickiest eaters, so its my goal to please them every time they eat my food!" Everyone laughed and I looked towards Jin, mom? What does he mean by that? He looked towards me and smiled "Don't be shy eat." I softly nodded and I shoved the food in my mouth glancing towards Jin as I kept thinking about the mom comment "K you're seriously the cutest squirt I've ever seen." Trevor poked my cheeks as he laughed and I leaned away from him embarrassed "I heard from a few girls that they're picking on you are you having any troubles when we're not around?" I looked towards Sage and nodded my head if I lie he'll catch me and flick my forehead. He's a sharp one who I have to be careful around, swallowing my food I decided what my answer would be "Yes put its just mindless it doesn't bother me." They all looked towards me and I gave them all a confused look "What?! What's happening what are they doing?!" They all started asking me question like who, when, where, and why "They just send me death threats, or shove me in the hall, plus sometimes they get guys to shove me or what not, really guys its nothing its not a big deal." They all looked around at each other and I shoved another lettuce wrap in my mouth, looking towards Tate I decided to do a silly face since we've been having a competition on whos the funniest, and he smiled and gave me a silly face, the conversation about my bullies dropped after that and we enjoyed our lunch as usual. Why were they so concerned? Is that normal for friends?

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