Chapter 17

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"Jae stop singing! We're trying to get homework done!" I whined as I plopped my head onto the table filled with homework I was helping Yugyeom since I was almost done but with his singing its hard to focus "Koda just because you're jealous of my awesome voice doesn't mean you have to be a hater." I rolled my eyes and Yugyeom softly pinched my check and I looked towards him and he giggled softly causing all of my stress to drift away and I was just happy "Actually Koda has a really pretty singing voice, when she was younger she won this talent show for singing but after that she never sang again well except for the karaoke that one time." Justin replied to Jae and I could already tell everyone was looking at me "What?" I raised my head up and they all looked at me causing me to get a bit embarrassed but still cocky since after all I am a Jeon "I don't see it." Mark said and I scoffed as I stuck my tongue out towards him "She sings in her sleep." We all looked over and I saw Tate making a sandwich "When she's really tired she sings, sometimes it wakes me up." He finished and walked away causing me to frown that was the first time I heard him talk since we were at my parents house even though he gave me that silly face he hasn't been acting the same. Everyday when him and Justin are about to leave I say goodbye but he just leaves, and when I try to just have a normal conversation when we're all just relaxing he either leaves or goes onto his phone. Jimin told me not to worry but I can't help feel like I've done something wrong but I just can't figure it out.

"Koda lets get back to work." Yugyeom tapped my shoulder so I turned back around, shaking out of my daze I smiled towards him "This is what you guys get for procrastinating, I told you guys to do a little everyday." JB walked in and sat down across from me "Junior already scolded us you don't have to tell us" I mumbled as I kept working and BamBam sighed "I'd rather take a zero! I hate this!" Glancing towards his pile I laughed a bit "You haven't even done anything, you've just been eating and talking." He flicked me on the forehead and I laughed some more while I rubbed my head "Not everyone can be smart like you Koda! And its not fair that you're helping Yugyeom and not us!" I grinned and leaned into Yugyeom as he wrapped his arm around me and laid his head onto mine "Sorry Bams~ You'll just have to do your own work~" He rolled his eyes and went back to working and Yugyeom let go of me also continuing his studies "But Koda seriously how can you get done so quickly? I mean you're on your last subject." Jae looked at all my work and I hummed spinning my pen around "She's oddly good at remembering things, I bet you've just hung out with Jimin while he does his homework and now you're just copying that." I quickly punched Justin who was sitting on the couch behind us and he whined in pain "No! Jimin has terrible test scores if I'd look off of anyone it would be Junior, but I didn't I just know the material." I puffed my cheeks out and continued working after all school was the only thing on my mind for so long I was frozen in place "Its just simple I want to go to bed early so I won't fall asleep tomorrow." Yugyeom hummed and grabbed a chip as I sadly smiled towards him I'm sure he knows that was just an excuse "You have been taking naps quite often are you sure you'll be okay?" I nodded and leaned into him, yeah he understood "Yeah I'll be fine after all I have all of you guys."

He smiled at me and held my hand under the table "Ah you're right I wonder how the school is gonna react when we come back." BamBam said I looked up towards him and he was in yet another day dream "Not a lot of rumors have spread, everyone thinks you're just on a vacation. Koda, Junior managed to spread that you're visiting Busan to visit your grandparents grave, it was Justin's idea." I nodded towards JB and finished another paper of homework "Justin told me but I don't understand why we have to lie." Jae laughed a bit "If we didn't lie the truth would cause a scene and we're trying to step away from that." Everyone nodded in agreement I guess that makes sense plus I wouldn't want people to be up my butt about it. I lowered my head as I covered my stomach I've been having really bad nightmares ever since that day the feeling of being out of my body and not caring I was scared that one day I'll return to that state of just emptiness. The conversation died and I looked towards Yugyeom even though he was doing homework he still had a smile on his face leaning onto his arm he kissed the top of my head and my stomach was filled with butterflies. Yugyeom I'm to shy to say this in front of everyone but I really do love you with all my heart, I want to grow old with you and everyone else as a family.

The Path We Takeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें