Chapter 11~~~

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"Koda! Stop!" I heard Yugyeom's voice and I was being pulled away struggling to get to Lee "Koda calm the hell down!" Yugyeom put me to where I couldn't see them anymore and grabbed my shoulders "Stop!" I looked towards him and then down at my fist and I saw blood, grabbing my head I started panicking and my head was pounding as I started crying "You better watch your back Koda we're coming for you, and Yugyeom what a strange place for you to be were you two perhaps meeting up?" I glared towards Lee to see his friends supporting him up as he was bruised and bleeding I tried to approach him but Yugyeom stopped me I still felt like beating this shit out of him.

"I like the kimchi here." Yugyeom turned towards them away from me "Get out of our way Yugyeom we have business with the girl." I looked back towards my knuckles to see them cut up, bawling my fist up a little bit of blood fell out and I narrowed my eyes "Lets go Lee I won't hesitate to kill you!" I got away from Yugyeom and wrapped my arms around his throat and clenched my jaw as his friends tired to pry me off kicking his knees in he fell "Koda that's enough stop it!" Yugyeom grabbed my arm and pulled me away but I got one last punch "I think we've had enough tonight, Koda we need to walk away." Yugyeom turned around and grabbed my shoulders causing me to look into his eyes "This isn't you, take deep breaths you're just mad right now." He brushed my hair back and turned me towards the door and started walking "Koda! We'll be looking for pay back! You better watch your back!" I paid and apologized to the owner and we left.

Walking back to their dorm we were dead silent but my rage was still coursing through me I wanted to kill him I wanted to punch something, stopping I punched the post next to me as I snarled a bit I was pissed off about so many things I could barely breath "Koda." Yugyeom suddenly grabbed my jacket and smashed his lips into mine causing my eyes to go big he wrapped his hand around my neck and waist, after a few seconds he stopped kissing me, putting his forehead to mine he took a few deep breaths "Just stop please, I know you're upset but you can't do this or you'll hate yourself." A few tears fell and he whipped them away and traced his thumb across my bottom lip and my cheeks got a bit red I was no longer mad. Letting me go Yugyeom kept walking and I followed him in a bit of a daze. Reaching up to my lip I felt my hole body become hot that was my first kiss

"Go to the kitchen." I nodded my head slowly and walked into the kitchen and sat down and starred at my fist they're worse then back when I fought Lay.. "Ko- Woah what the hell happened to you?" I looked up to see Junior and he walked over towards me "She was an idiot." I looked towards Yugyeom and he set a first aid kit down "Is that seriously how you control your anger? You get into a huge fight?" I lowered my head and he put anti disinfectant on my cheek and I winced in pain, he was a lot nicer on the way here.. "What do you mean?" Junior sat across from me "Yeah Koda why don't you explain?" I lowered my head and messed with my palms "They... Pissed me off and pushed me to far, remember what I said when I fought with Lay? That's what happened." I bawled up my fist causing the wound to reopen "I should have put them in the hospital they don't deserve to be walking." He put disinfectant on my hand and I winced in pain "Don't be stupid don't you realize Lee has a huge gang? The amount of back up he has is crazy! You're in trouble now that you've ticked him off you were already walking on a thin line with him being friends with both of our groups and now this? I can't believe you're this stupid!" I looked towards Yugyeom and I started tearing up a bit "What's going on? Why are you yelling at her? Jae walks in and Yugyeom irritated threw the bloodied rag into the trash can and continued patching me up "Don't get mad at Koda I'm sure she was justified to fight." Mark came in and grabbed his shoulder "We'll help watch over her so there's no chance Lee can hurt her." Yugyeom quickly stood up irritated with the wrap he threw it to the ground "I should have never of befriended another Jeon, I guess history repeats its self."

He walked out and I starred at my now wrapped hands and frowned "Come on we should finished wrapping you up.." Jackson sat down and started working on my face "Does he look worse?" I nodded slowly and he smirked and patted my head "Good he deserves it, don't mind what Yugyeom says he's just stressed out okay?" I nodded slowly and he stood up "To be honest I'm glade you were the one to beat him up a Jeon should have taught him a lesson." I lowered my head and looked back at my hands "But Y-Yugyeom.. He's mad.." Mark laughed a bit and walked over and grabbed my shoulder "Come on lets get you out of your uniform, my room is across from Yugyeom's so go find somethings in there." Jackson nodded "I share a room with him so feel free to pick from mine since I'm a bit shorter." I nodded and stood up I bowed and walked into his room and changed they weren't like Yugyeom's clothes though I felt scared being here I want to be with Justin... I feel horrible for saying all those things.

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