Chapter 15

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"Yo Yugyeom ready to go or what?" I looked up towards BamBam we've been here for about two hours now waiting for Koda biting my nail I looked around anxiously "Um you can go on ahead without me I'll stay here for a bit longer." He looked at me confused and I sighed she kills me sometimes I swear "What ever man, well Koda forgot her phone here so bring it back to her, I'm going back to the dorms for the night." I grabbed the phone and waved him off, powering the phone on I saw a picture of her and I doing silly faces and I smiled as my cheeks lit up a bit but it suddenly started ringing and the contact was "Mom" of course thinking its her mom I quickly answered it "Hey Koda you left your lion here a couple of days ago when you spent the night, do you want me to bring it back?" I started laughing once I heard Junior's voice "Yugyeom? I swore I called Koda." I laughed a bit more "Yeah you did this is her phone, she forgot it though. Hey by any chance do you know where she is? She told me to wait somewhere but she hasn't come back." He hummed "Nope I was just about to drop off her lion, I'll check if she's at Tate's I'll give you a call after."

He hung up and I grew a bit concerned sliding her phone open her password popped up "Dammit what would her password be?! Its worded too! Ah come on Yugyeom think like her.." I closed my eyes and soon put in 'Lettuce Wraps' but it was a fail then I tried her birthday but it was a fail as well groaning I raised my head up in frustration "What in the world could it be?" I tried to remember what her code was when she typed it in but it was just a bunch of letter that didn't... Quickly opened the phone again I typed in "TYKJB" the phone opened and I cheered of course why didn't I think about that earlier? Tate, Yugyeom, Koda, Jimin, and BamBam her closet friends ah I'm so smart why didn't I guess that earlier? Going to her text I went to Trevor's and texted him "Do you know where Koda is?"

Biting my nail I looked around to see if she could have possibly left any hint to where she is "No, why? Who is this?" I read Trevor's text and quickly stood up "Shit where did that idiot run off too?!" Quickly dialing his number he picked up after the second ring "Hello? Koda are you ok-" I cut him off "The stupid idiot left two hour ago and told me to stay here! Ah do you know where she could be??" I heard him mumble probably informing the others "Try the bubble gum smoothie store, Justin said she likes to go there when she's done something cool." I hung up and sprinted towards the store looking through the windows I couldn't find her and I started to panic once again.

That's when Junior called me back "She's not here, and she's not at our dorm where could she run off to? I think she's just pulling a prank on you, relax and come back to the dorm." I looked up towards the little café "I'm not going home until I find her." I hung up and started running around asking if any one has seen her I mean she's hard to miss she's the prettiest girl ever. "Excuse me have you seen a girl that's about to my mid chest and has honey brown hair going below her chest and a bunny face?" I asked a few people who were around the area "Bunny face girl? Oh! Do you mean this girl?" She pulled out her phone and revealed a picture of Koda running with a small smile and he face was slightly red "Yes! Where was the last place you saw her??" The lady thought for a moment "The girl was running towards the jewelry store I think but I'm not to sure my friends and I were all looking at the picture." I frowned and bowed really quick my stomach didn't feel good about this "Please delete the picture she doesn't like people taking pictures of her." I looked back towards them and they were a bit red "O-Oh we're sorry yes we'll delete it."

I bowed one more time and ran off towards the jewelry store running in I ran towards the old lady "Excuse me has a girl with a bunny like face and honey brown hair come in here?" She nodded and walked over to the necklaces "She bought a set of necklaces for a guy, wait are you the guy?" I jogged over to her and looked at the necklace "She seemed really happy once she saw them like it would be perfect!" I traced my finger along one of the wings and a bad feeling coursed through my stomach "Do you know which way she went?" She pointed to the left of her store on the way back to the dance center "Thank you." She nodded and I quickly walked outside and went left "Jeon!" I jogged a bit and my heart started beating quickly looking down, I saw a little box opening it up I saw my name and tears breached my eyes taking a deep breath I mentally slapped myself "I'll have to call him."

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