Chapter 12~

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Its been 2 weeks since I've been staying with Yugyeom and the others and honestly I've surprisingly gotten really close to Junior he was always the one that was really distant and didn't trust me at first but since I've been staying here I feel like he's treating me like his daughter.. He's always lecturing me and telling me to keep up on my homework even though I've already done it, but he's also taught me a lot through his lectures he's taught me to not trust everyone that gives me a smile but don't immediately push them away, also just because you start trusting someone doesn't mean you tell them everything about your life story the moment they ask you. That made me feel a bit better not telling Tate for so long but it still hurt to see him so mad after I told him what happened he was so furious I really thought he was going to go find Lee and put him in the hospital but luckily Yugyeom calmed him down talking about my sleeping habits which was horrifying but what was even more embarrassing was Tate agreed with everything he said and even added a few things! How much do I really hang out with these people?! How would they know?!.. Wait.. I'm living with them ah I really need to make girlfriends but I honestly have no motivations to pretend to be obsessed with girl stuff BamBam is all the girl I need also Jin, and Jimin are just as bad as girls but they're cute and less annoying when they talk about drama.

Through these past couple of days I've told all of Kuk Sool about Lay and the situation with Lee but I've only told Yugyeom and Junior about Lay and my grandparents. The rest knew about Lee since Yugyeom told them on the first night. Which I don't really mind it wasn't that big of a deal and also I don't know why they are still freaking out I mean Lee hasn't tried a single thing since the first day when he sent those guys to the dorm. I keep telling Yugyeom he doesn't have to watch over me but he insists. "Koda come on we're leaving!" I heard Junior's voice so I grabbed my backpack and ran to the front door "Sorry I was making sure I had everything." Mark wrapped his arm around me as we headed out and went to school "I almost forgot how annoying it is to wake up so early." Jumping onto Yugyeom's back I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder "Koda get off his back you're wearing a skirt." I heard my brothers voice and I looked over to see him and the rest of the guys.

"Hey! Why are you guys here so early?" I jumped off of Yugyeom and walked over to them "Squirt this is the way to school or have you forgotten already?" I looked towards Trevor "Oh yeah I almost forgot.." I rubbed my neck as I thought about it "So you guys must have all stayed at Tate's?" They nodded and we started walking again I noticed Yugyeom and them already left which made me a little sad since they always get me pumped up "Yeah we're all planning for the school trip coming up in two weeks." I looked towards Jin "Trip? You guys are going to that?" They looked towards me and nodded all together "Its fun, Justin was against it at first but the teachers allow us to pick our own groups so we get to stay together." I nodded and hummed "You should come!" Jimin wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I laughed a bit "No way that sounds like a total drag, Yugyeom and I performing that weekend anyway."

They looked at me confused and I hummed and looked towards the sky "Oh yeah you guys don't know about that, one day you should come watch us we're pretty good if I say so myself." Justin scoffed and I looked towards him "Yeah like that'll ever happen, when are you coming back to Tate's?" I rolled my eyes and jogged up a bit once I saw the school "When you stop being a brat." I stuck my tongue out at him and took off running as he chased me "Koda!" Suddenly everyone looked towards me and I got a bit scared and stopped running, Justin quickly grabbed my head "I'm not a brat you brat!" I pushed his arm away and fixed my hair as I saw all the eyes starring at me "I'm going to class." I pulled out my mask and quickly went to my class I really wish I was with Yugyeom and Junior...

Sitting down I scanned the room to see everyone looking at me so I lowered my head "Jeon where have you been? You caused our classes attendance to drop." I glanced towards the class president "What? You can't get through life selling your body off, at least attend school you worthless piece of flesh." I lowered my head when I heard laughter then I remembered something Junior taught me and I smirked and looked back towards the president "Ah what a pest, who missed school for a week because of mommy issues? Oh also instead of lecturing me you should at least try to catch up to my IQ but you're to far away it will take you a lifetime." I leaned on my hand and put my earphones in closing my eyes I couldn't whip the smirk off my face "K you seem happy to be back in school." Jimin and Tate sat next to me and I smiled "I guess you could say that, I've learn a few things to help me out."

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