Chapter 16

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"Oh my god shut up already I don't care about your stupid revenge you sound like a soap opera! Just let me go this is ridiculous I have to go meet someone!" I rolled my head around a bit sore from the god damn taser that I was hit with seriously who do they think they are? We're in goddamn high school these guys are crazy "You have no room to be demanding stuff, little Jeon." I glared towards Lee okay I'm usually a mellow person but if you serious try to kidnap someone just because you got into a fight with them that's pretty low even for a scum bag like Lee. I have no problem beating him up now my grandpa would understand.

"I actually have a present for you Jeon so you should be happy!" I hated him saying my last name for some reason I only like Yugyeom calling me that even though I wish he'd call me Koda, why doesn't he call me Koda though I mean I call him all sorts of names you'd think he'd start calling me Koda after hanging out so m- I was suddenly punched across the face causing me to fall to my side "PAY ATTENTION TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING!" I looked towards Lee and his face was bright red from anger "Hey dude don't hit her that's going a bit far." Suddenly he punched me again, I sighed as I stretched my jaw out a bit "I'll do what I want! Now are you going to listen to me Jeon?" I yawned and tilted my head there no way I'm going to let this freak break me, Yugyeom will know I'm missing I know he will because I would never leave him alone I hate walking around town without someone else.

"Like I have anything else to do, or are you going to let me go?" He laughed a bit but quickly kicked my stomach making me cough a bit squeezing my eyes shut I leaned forward to try and make the pain go away a few tears fell and I heard him laughing "You know how many people laughed at me when I went to school huh? Do you know how humiliating it was to get picked on by your little fanboys! And then word got out in the streets and gangs started making fun of me!" He grabbed my hair and lifted me up casing me to hiss in pain "A worthless girl like you has no right to be on top let alone look down on me! I'm the greatest not you or any of your boyfriends!" I manage to glare at him and smirk "God you're so annoying you can have that title just let me go dude." His eyes filled with rage and he threw me to the ground causing me to hit my head and I felt warm liquid fall past my ear.

"Hey Lee! Stop you're going to far we were just going to scare her what if they actually do come looking for her?" Lee punched the guy in the face and I got a bit scared this guy has serious mental problems maybe I shouldn't piss him off.. I think its to late for that though.. Ah curse my Jeon cockiness "Now Jeon are you going to listen to me? About your present?" He turned towards me again and I uncomfortably pulled my shoulders in as a sign to protect myself as much as I possibly can "Set her up!" Lee yelled and three guys rushed towards me "Yugyeom is coming just hold on for now there's nothing I can do at the moment."

My eyes widened and I looked towards the guy he smiled but I got a bit upset he's not even going to try and help me now? Seriously people suck "Your brother is also coming." My chest filled with relief and I was almost about to cry until cold water splashed onto my face and I gasped for air as my body went into shock. Opening my eyes fear covered my face when I saw Lay and I started to struggle a bit to get out of the chair "Hit her again." Another dose of water hit me and I was now if full panic as I started to thrash my arms around to get them loose but that only caused my wrist to start bleeding and burning "Koda don't act so scared you seem to be trying to run away, is that mask finally falling apart?"

Lay walked closer to me and I had tears breaching my eyes "Be careful or you'll hurt your wrists." He knelt down and grabbed my jaw forcing me to look at him my body was trembling "Ah how long will it take for you to ever get over me? Oh I know what will make it last longer!" He seemed excited as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a camera "Say cheese oh I'm sure your brother is going to love this." A tear fell as I tried to move away from him but that caused me to fall and I hit my head on the ground causing Lee to start laughing and I saw another flash go off curling into a ball I started shaking "Hit her again!" Lay yelled and more ice water hit me "Hey Lay let me at her for a second." I heard Lee and I shook my head in fear I wanted it to stop "She still hasn't received full punishment for ruining my reputation I have to make an example out of her." I kept my eyes tightly closed as I tried to calm down "Fine, I got what I needed anyway."

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