Chapter 8~

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I was sitting in the dance room starring at my feet I was beyond exhausted and my brain was fried "Why did I have the last two hardest classes for the final day?" I asked myself as I fell to my side not to mention I'm super jumpy since that damn movie, and I feel all gross from the coffee this morning its just not my day I hope Yugyeom doesn't want to finish this number today.. "Jeon- Woah look at you." I sat up and Yugyeom walked over towards me and sat down "Aigoo~ Your all swollen and look so tired~" He pinched my cheeks and I moved around with his arms having no energy to move away "Yugyeom don't make fun of me that's why I wore the glasses so I can hide my bags." He smiled and stood up lifting me up with him "Come on I owe you lettuce wraps right? From falling asleep on you during our first cram session? Lets go!"

He started walking away and I sighed and dragged my feet to reach him "Don't walk so fast I basically have to run..." He laughed and looked towards me "I've never seen you so tired! Its like you're back to your cold front." I looked towards him and stuck my tongue out "Do you want me to be cold to you huh? You might be taller then me but I could still take you Yugyeom!" I jumped onto his shoulder and he laughed harder as we walked out of the basement "Alright, alright I give up you're to strong!" I grinned and jumped off of him and we walked to a small restaurant when someone called him "Where am I? Oh Koda and I are eating why?" We sat down and I curiously looked at him "Aish just because I brought her over doesn't mean she wants to be around you." I smiled and quickly nodded my head "BamBam!!" I cheered and Yugyeom laughed at my weird hand gestures.

"Alright you guys can come along, I'll send you the address." He hung up and I smiled "I like your friends! They're all super cool and fun to be around, you should always hang out with those guys instead of bad people alright?" He smirked and leaned towards me "What if we're the bad guys?" I froze for a second as all the memories of Kuk Sool telling me to stay away from them and the picture Tate sent me put I quickly pushed all that away I can't let that cloud my judgment they've been nothing but kind to me I can't be rude to them, "Aish that's impossible!" I pinched his nose and he smiled and scrunched his nose up and we laughed "Koda! How'd your tests go?" BamBam and the rest of them walked in and sat next to us "Good but I'm really tired I feel like my brain is on fire~ Plus when I get home I'll need a major shower to get the coffee smell out." He nodded and I looked around smiling a bit I pulled my phone out "Hey BamBam look at this picture of Yugyeom." I leaned towards him and pulled up the picture of Yugyeom passed out over his text books and he started laughing "What is it?" I grinned and showed everyone else and they laughed and teased Yugyeom "That's a good picture! You should send it to all of us." Jackson said and I nodded and put my phone away I'll do it later. I want to be in the moment for now.

After we got our food I dived into the lettuce wraps and my mood was instantly lifted up by how good they were, like I didn't just survive hell for the last 6 hours "Get down." Junior who's sitting next to me suddenly shoved my head down and I went under the table confused when suddenly someone punched the table and I flinched and covered my ears "Parks in the hospital now, you guys abandoned us to eat?! The other schools are coming for us since we've held the title for so long how can you guys just suddenly stop huh?!" I started shaking I don't know why but I was really scared the person talking made my blood cold "We're not going to spend our whole life fighting, you need to learn to quit once the going gets good." JB spoke and someone punched the table again "Kuk Sool then you guys? I swear if I learn the reason for all of you stopping I'll personally get ride of it." My eyes widened and my stomach dropped, I have a bad feeling.

'Kim Yugyeom! Promise me you wont fight over the break!'

I got nervous am I the reason? "By the way Yugyeom that Jeon twin what are you planning with her? I mean after all-" Yugyeom stood up but I quickly grabbed his leg I don't want him to get into a fight "Excuse me but you're disturbing my customers meal please leave." The old lady shoved the group away as they yelled at Yugyeom and everyone about pay back suddenly the table was punched again "I'm so sick of this! Why do they run to us huh? You'd think as trash of the school they'd be to scared to talk to us!" Yugyeom said I let go of his leg and I sat back up and the mood was scary "I think I should go back under the table you guys are giving me goose bumps from your frowns.." I rubbed my arms and they all looked towards me and I grabbed a lettuce wrap this will surly bring the mood up! "My grandma always said, 'If you get down then stuff your cheeks its the best way to cure anything.' So to honor her words you should all stuff your cheeks." I confidently nodded and they all started cracking up "What kind of saying is that? It doesn't even make sense." Mark said in-between his laughs and I turned red out of embarrassment "Hey! I'll have you know she was a very smart woman!" They all nodded "Alright, alright we'll stuff our cheeks." They all started eating again and so did I, you know I think I'm getting better at this whole comforting thing.

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