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"It's so strange..I mean..I still can't understand how...how can she leave the town so abruptly.."Mukti was confused.

"Even I can't believe this.."Alia's words shocked everyone.

"Alia..you hated her remember..uthen why are you looking so sad at her exit..you should be happy...like really happy that finally Nandini got out of our lives."Mukti was shocked now "..since I know you too well I know you aren't faking it..you are actually sad...for real..but the question is why...why are you sad."

"You are right Mukti I am really sad..but Nandini isn't the reason behind my sadness."Alia answered which only increased the level of confusion for the rest of them.

"Then why are you upset Alia.."Mukti questioned.

"Dhruv.."Alia looked at her and said. "I am upset because Dhruv is upset."

"How is he.."Cabir was the one to ask the question.

"We don't know Cabir"Mukti answered."We haven't spoken to him since yesterday.."

"Though Dhruv is a sensitive guy but as we all know he isn't someone who wear his emotions on his sleeves. He won't be saying anything but that doesn't mean he isn't hurt.."Alia's voice was laced with concern.

"I agree.."Mukti seconded Alia. Then turning to look at Cabir she said. "..that's why we are going to meet him today at his place. I know he won't say anything but right now he needs "us"..his family..his FAB5.."

"Which reminds me.."Alia looked at her wrist watch. "We better get moving. We need to reach his home before he leaves from there. Though we haven't informed him about our exit but knowing him..he will already been expecting our visit..so we need to be there before he runs away from there."

"Alia is right...we should leave now.."Mukti caressed Cabir's hair and said "..but we will be back soon..okay..till then.."pulling his cheeks she continued "..you take rest.."

"Yes Cabir..you better be a good boy.."Alia warned him. "..or else you know how dangerous can fab5 be.."

"Oooooo I am scared.."Cabir's words made both of them smile. "...but since I can't do anything about my condition..so you two will have your way..at least for now.."

"That's like a good boy"Alia patted his forehead. "Now you take rest..we will see you later."

"Okay.."Cabir nodded his assent. "Do let me inform about Dhruv's situation.."

"That goes without a saying."Mukti smiled."Now stop talking and take rest..bye"

"Bye"Cabir replied like an obedient child.

And the next moment they both walked out of his room.

Closing his eyes he was about to fall asleep when he felt somebody's gaze on him...but...he didn't panicked as he knew who that person was. So without opening his eyes he took that person's name...


He heard footsteps walking towards him so automatically his eyes snapped open. And the first thing that he saw really disturbed him.Manik's expression was grim..his eyes were red..and disappointment was clearly visible on his face.

It didn't took a second for Cabir to realise what was the matter so without twisting the topic he directly came to the point and said."You couldn't find "her"...."

Manik looked at him and simply shook his head in negative.

"So what now.."Cabir asked.

Covering the distance between them Manik sat on the tool that was kept near Cabir's hospital bed. "I don't know Cabir.."covering his face with his palm he said "I don't know anything.."

"Her chacha-chachi.."though Cabir didn't finished his question but Manik knew what Cabir wanted to ask. "No Cabir ..they promised her..so that's why they didn't tell me anything.."

"Does that means.."before Cabir could question him Manik said the answer "..yes she knew I would enquire about her. She knew I would be looking for her..so she made sure not to leave any loop holes.."

Shaking his head Manik sighed. "It's over Cabir...it's over before it even started.."
Manik got up and was about to leave when he heard Cabir. "Nothing is over Manik..Nothing.."

Manik turned to look at him, "What do you mean."

"I mean.."picking up the pen and chart that was kept on the side table next to the bed Cabir said "..there's always a loophole Manik..always"

"Matlab.."Mabik was confused now.

"Just like her Chacha-Chachi..even I am bounded by the promise that I made to Nandini."Cabir's words shook Manik to the core. "You mean.."

"Yes..she came to visit me before she left..and yes I also know where she had gone.."Cabir replied. "But just like her Chacha-Chachi I am bounded by her promise."

Cabir could see that Manik was about to hit the panic mode on so without giving any chance to Manik to speak he continued "...but like I said that there's always a loophole.."

"What do you mean.."Manik wasn't able to comprehend Cabir's words.

"I mean that I promise I won't tell you where she is going..but she didn't say anything that I can't do this.."Cabir wrote something on the chart and once he was done writing he passed it too Manik. "I didn't promise that I can't write it down or you can't read it.."Cabir winked.

Manik's heart started to race faster as he took the chart from Cabir's hand and looked at it. And the very next moment his heart was dancing with joy as now finally he had the answer to his question because now he knew where his "shining star" was actually hiding...but of course..not for long.



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