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"..so with that we come to an end of our morning session."Amms said as she got up from her seat. "Our next session will start after lunch.."picking up a paper from the nearby table she continued "before that I just want to announce something...so kindly pay attention."

When everyone nodded their head Shanno continued "So here's the thing..for our rest of the sessions you all will be working in a group of two..starting from our next session only..so for that I have paired you all with your other classmates.."

Pointing at the paper she spoke "now as I take your name please step aside.."Once again everyone nodded.

Kishori started to call out the names of the students who were paired opposite each other in which Dhruv -Alya and Cabir -Navya were paired together.

Kishori stopped and looked at Mukti. "Mukti I have heard you play guitar very well..is that correct.."

"Yes Guruma.."Mukti nodded.

"Then I have a small request to make to you as I need your help.."Kishori requested.

"Anything Guruma.."Mukti's words shocked Nandini to the core. Her eyes widened in surprise as she never in her wildest imagination expected Mukti to reply so obediently.

Man..what happened to her in last seven months..that changed Mukti..MUKTI VARDHAN.

God..she can't take the suspense any longer..she had to speak to Navya during lunch time so that she could catch up on everything that she missed.

However there was someone else too who was noticing everything that she was doing.


Manik didn't missed anything as all he could and wanted to see was "NANDINI". He so wanted to laugh out badly watching her expression but he chose not to say anything as he didn't wanted to end up getting killed by her.

"Mukti there is a student of mine who is from Mumbai too..and he too will be a part of this WORKSHOP. He is a very good classical singer and now he wants to learn guitar too..and since I have heard that you are a pro at it..it would really help me a lot if you could help him out."
Kishori asked.

"Of course Guruma..I will definitely help him.."

Mukti's answer made her smile. "Good so dear could you please come to my office with me. I will introduce both of you so that neither of you will feel awkward or uncomfortable."

"Sure Guruma"saying this Mukti stepped aside and stood next to her that literally chocked Nandini out of shock.

Nandini thought after witnessing this nothing else can shock her anymore..

...only if she knew..

Because the very next moment something happened that literally dropped a bomb on Nandini's peace of mind.

"So that's leaves us with you Manik.."Kishori looked at him after checking the list. "Since everyone of your batch mates are paired up together..you are the only one left without a partner."

"So does that mean..I won't be attending the rest of the workshop.."Manik asked innocently.

"I am afraid so..because all the activities from the next sessions can be only performed by two people..."Kishori shook her head but from the corner of her eyes she saw how anxious and sad Nandini became as soon as these words were out of her mouth.

"Unless..."turning to look at Nandini Kishori continued "..Nandu..will you please help him..by becoming his partner.."

Nandini's eyes widened in horror whereas Manik didn't miss the double meaning tone in Kishori's words which made him smile but somehow he managed to control his smile that was threatening to break on his face as it would only land him in trouble.

"No I can't.."Nandini's answer wiped that smile of Manik's face but before he could get hit by panic mode Kishori cut her in. "Why not..is there any problems.."

Kishori's question made Nandini realised her mistake. So she tried to cover it up by changing her tone. "No..No problems Amms.."

"Then what's the issue..why can't you be his partner..he won't eat you up Nandini.."Kishori replied sternly.

"Amms..I..I..I.."Nandini was looking here and there to find an excuse but unfortunately nothing worked as Kishori once again spoke "..I.I.I.What.."

Shaking her head she continued "You are unbelievable Nandini...I am not asking you to become his life partner by marrying him..I am only asking you to become his partner in the rest of the sessions so what's the problem.."

Nandini's face turned red in embarrassment at Kishori's comment. She looked down to hide her embarrassment while rest everyone else was finding it too hard to keep a straight face including Manik who so wanted to dance in joy but taking the situation into consideration he decided not to go ahead with it.

"Nandini..help him Kanna.."Kishori finally softened her tone. "Or else he won't be able to attend any of the session and he won't be able to learn anything in the workshop as it will go in complete waste."

Nandini sighed and looked up at Kishori. Without saying anything she simply nodded her assent making everyone who was present in the room smile. However in case of Manik--things were getting out of control as he was finding it extremely difficult to get a grip over himself and not to start break dancing.

"Good.."Kishori smiled. Turning around she faced everyone. "Now you all can go and have lunch..all the arrangements had been made in the dining room. Enjoy your meal. "Then looking at Mukti she continued "Mukti dear you come with me.."

Mukti nodded and obediently followed Kishori who walked out of room but of course not before giving a meaningful look to Manik.

Nandini didn't say a word nor did she looked at his direction. She simply walked out of the room in anger leaving a smiling Fab5 and Navya behind.


Kyy: Life After Musicana.[✔️Completed]Where stories live. Discover now