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Finally the song ended.

Manik and Nandini stood in front of everyone with apprehension etched on their faces..

...as their audience was simply looking at them..

...without uttering a word for few seconds.

In fact there was a pin drop silence..

...of course which lasted only for few seconds..

...as the very next moment everyone who was present in the room erupted into cheers and only the sound of applause was audible.

The applause didn't seem to die down.

Everyone was in daze.

They all have heard Manik and Nandini singing before..

...but for the very first time they all could feel the soul of the song for real..

...through Manik and Nandini.

Both their voices together took the song to a complete different level altogether.

People usually gets mesmerised through their sense of sight but today their sense of sound had hypnotised them.

They all were lost in the depth of the song because somehow their voices had managed to touch not only their hearts but their soul too.

Manik and Nandini were still standing on stage when Kishori joined them on stage.

She hugged both of them together which shocked not only them but everyone who was present in the room. Without breaking the hug she spoke "you both have made me extremely proud today my children.."

They both smiled as they both took her in their embrace at the same time."Are you happy Amms.."

After breaking the hug Kishori cupped Nandini's face and planted a kiss on her forehead and said "Extremely happy kanna..I can't tell you how happy I am"

Then turning to look at Manik Kishori said "No wonder everyone is your fan..you have such a soulful voice Manik which directly touches the heart. I will accept this that I had my share of doubts but after listening to you today all I can say that I am extremely honoured to have you on board Manik..You indeed are like your name..a true gem.."Caressing his hair she continued "God bless you my child"

Kishori's words were more than enough to shock Manik. In fact he wasn't the only one who fell into this category..

..as everyone else who was present in the room felt the same too.

But getting a grip over his emotion he somehow managed to utter the words out loud "Thank You Guruma.."

"Amms.."Kishori's words once again shocked everyone including Manik and Nandini. "You can call me Amms..only if you want to.."

"Of course Amms.."he smiled as his eyes were shining with happiness which doesn't went unnoticed by Nandini--but she chose to not say anything--at least for now.

Turning to look at rest of them Kishori announced "I don't think there is any point in guessing about who the winner of this task is.."before Kishori could even finished speaking  everyone who was present there spoke unanimously.


Kishori smiled. "Yes my children..you all are absolutely correct..and honestly I am extremely proud of both of them..and I know so are you all..aren't you children.."

They all once again spoke together "YES"

And the next moment they all started clapping.

Once the clapping stopped Kishori spoke "I have to say one thing that today I am super proud of you all. You all have extremely impressed me with your talent. And I genuinely believe that sooner or later you all will end up great musicians...but more than that I am confident that you all will end up becoming very good human being..which is very rare to find."

"Before you all came in here honestly I was a bit apprehensive..but now looking at you all I couldn't be more happy about my decision..because I got to know such wonderful souls like you all.."

"May Aiyappa always bless you all with happiness. May you all achieve great height of success in your life..and on that note I officially announce the end of this WORKSHOP."

Everyone clapped

..except for..

..Manik and Nandini.

As if someone pulled the rug beneath their feet
as they got struck by the realisation.


..which means..


Ten days back when Manik came in Nandini wanted him to leave..

...but now...

...when he was about to leave for real..

..Nandini started to panic.

And in the very next moment she ran away from there.

Since Kishori was addressing everyone so nobody paid attention to that..



He was about to go behind her but before he could do that Kishori stopped him."Manik..come with me..I need to talk to you.."

"Now.."Manik questioned.

"Yes.."Kishori nodded her head."Right now.It's quite urgent."Manik could hear the change in her tone which made Manik apprehensive.
Since he can't afford to do anything to offend Kishori he decided to meet Nandini later so he replied without wasting another moment. "Ji Amms..after you.."

Kishori nodded and walked out of the room while Manik followed her silently but not before watching the worried faces of his friends.

He gestured them to relax as he knew they were worried for him and without uttering another word walked out of the room...

...to face his ultimate destiny.


Kyy: Life After Musicana.[✔️Completed]Where stories live. Discover now