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"Excuse Me.."the voice held Manik in his tracks. He had never heard this voice before in his life. He turned around to see the face of the person who interrupted him.

"Are you Manik.."the guy was walking toward Manik.

Usually Manik would have flashed his RENOWNED MONSTROUS GLARE but something stopped him..

...which was..

...none other than the expression that was carried by the guy who was approaching towards him.

He was looking at Manik as if he knew Manik since a long time. Though Manik hadn't met him before but some how he was experiencing the same feeling that was radiating off that guy..

...the sense of familiarity.

As if without even knowing anything about each other they both somehow knew each other.

Manik was lost in his thoughts which only got broken when the guy stood in front of him and said "You are looking for Nandini..right"

Manik's eyes widened in shock as he heard Nandini's name from a complete strangers mouth. "Yes I am..but who are you"

"Oh sorry.."the guy shook his head. "I forgot to introduce myself.."extending his hand towards Manik he continued. "I am Abhimanyu Thakkar...Guruma's student and someone who is like an elder and protective brother of Nandini."

"Abhimanyu..."Manik furrowed his eyes "..this names sounds familiar..which is strange because we never met before..then how come it.."before he could finish Abhimanyu finished his words "..feels as if you know me..right"

Manik nodded. "I guess you are a mind reader..but could you please put me out of my misery by telling me the answer to this question."

Abhimanyu smiled. "Mukti was right..you are a tough nut to crack.."

Mere mention of Mukti's name gave Manik the answer he was looking for. "Oh man..are you the guy to whom Mukti was supposed to teach guitar.."

"Yes.."Abhimanyu grinned. "The very same..and you happened to me Mukti's best friend Manik right.."

"Indeed I am.."Manik finally shook hands with Abhimanyu."But how did you know how I look"

"Simple..Mukti asked me too look for the tallest guy in the premise with extreme good looks..since you meet both the requirements I guessed it..and by chance my guess was correct."Abhimanyu's words made Manik smile. "In fact I know everything at least when it comes to how Mukti's best friends look.--of course courtesy of Mukti Vardhan"

"It's actually strange..it's only been a day that you have met Mukti but the way you are taking about her..and truth to be told the way she was talking about you..it really shocked us. I know Mukti since forever but I have never seen her like this..as if she is.."once again Manik was cut off by Abhimanyu as he finished his sentence"SMITTEN"

"Well your case is no different..the way you are talking about her tells a different story altogether."Abhimanyu could sense the change in Manik's tone.

"So this is exactly what Mukti was referring to.."Abhimanyu's words made Manik confused."what.."Manik asked.

"Over protectiveness.."Abhimanyu smirked which made Manik smile. "She is my best friend dude..of course I am going to be worried for her.."

"There is nothing to be worried about Manik..whatever is destined to happen it will happen..and I am in no hurry..everything needs time..and right now it's too early to say anything or do anything..so you can calm down for now..but I can assure one thing that I won't do anything ever that could hurt her in any way possible.."Abhimanyu's words somehow made Manik apprehension dissipate.

Kyy: Life After Musicana.[✔️Completed]Where stories live. Discover now