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"Here! What do you make of this, Julia?" Excitedly, I hand her my mother's diary, opened to the last few pages. By the repulsed look on her face, I see she's hesitant  to handle the grimoire. Reluctantly she accepts the small leather book from me. After a minute of examining it, her face  grows surprised.

"The next to last page has been ripped out."

She's as shocked by this as I am by this. I didn't believe my pristine mother would ever mangle her own diary. "It's out of character for her isn't it? Why would mom rip a page out of her precious grimoire?" My mother may have had an experimental mental melt down, but I rember how meticulously she treated her Wikken things. Mostly she kept them hidden under lock and key. Out of our sight.

Julia shakes her head, at a loss. "I don't know the answer to that, Lizzy. It wasn't like Sarah to rip up any of her writing. She kept everything compulsively organized after she got home from college. It was as if she was obsessed about losing herself, or making a mistake."

"What could have been in the missing page?" I wonder, out loud. Silently taking the diary from me, Jerry adds his own thoughts after looking at the missing section. "Someone didn't want anyone to read this particular entry."

Dylan's eyes light up as he leans forward, "May I see the diary please?" Jerry passes him the leather grimoire. "Lizzy, could you get me a pencil please?

Gently, Dylan places a blank piece of paper over the page on top of the missing one. Curious, both Jerry and I draw closer to watch Dylan as he stencils over the blank page. Hidden words begin to appear, filling in the impressions left by the page that's been removed.

I oveheard Harlan and Danielle last night. The head of the coven wants his wife killed. I'm afraid for my life.

The entry shocks me. "Someone in a cult colluded with Harlan and Danielle to kill Katherine Stanford? Who do you think she was talking about?" No one answers me. There's more writing following the entry. 

A code of symbols, or an encrypted language I don't understand

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A code of symbols, or an encrypted language I don't understand.

There's a moment of silence before I make an announcement that no one disputes. "I think what's in this grimoire could lead us to Katherine Stanford's killer. Listen, I have an idea. Dylan and I are going to contact Blair's aunt. I think we should talk to Katherine Stanford again, but I don't want to return to the cemetery again. Especially at night."

While I argue how important it is to acquire more information regarding Dresden's serial killer, Julia stands up obviously upset by the conversation. "I have a headache. I'm going to bed."

Looking over at Dylan and I, Jerry motions for us to wait for him. After escorting Julia to her room, he returns to say goodnight. Before leaving he adds, "Let me know when's the seance. I want to be there."

Thank you for reading!👻

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