Payback's A Bitch.

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"One more thing, I need you to unbind Donna." Anxiously, I wait for her response.

After a moment, Blair pulls herself together and nods fiercely. "Ok Elizabeth, I'll unbind her, but I'm also casting necromancy spell. Whoever this Danielle bitch is, she's going to pay!" She opens the grimoire and quickly finds a resurrection spell. Reading aloud, Blair closes her eyes weaving from side to side as she performs the incantation:

Goddess of Death and Destruction, pierce the dark veil! Open the grave, reverse eternal night. Day become Night, and Dark become Light.
With your breath, seal skin to flesh, and flesh to bone. Command the dead to rise and form. Command the dead to smite our foe!

The book starts glowing with an eerie blue light, shimmering as if it's radioactive. When she's finished, Blair looks at me intensely. "I hope this works," she says.

"It has to!" I answer, grabbing the spell book from her.

I turn to Connor. "Wait five minutes, then follow me into the museum." Once I'm inside, I hear screams echoing down the halls. I run as fast as I can towards the noise, but time seems to slow down making the hallway elongate. I feel like I'm running in place. No! I fight the illusion with all my might. I have to get to Dylan.

After what feels like an eternity, I arrive at the Modern Pagan Exhibit. Breathless I burst into the room, holding the book out to Stanford and Danielle. "Here! I brought the book!" One look at Jason Stanford grinning evilly with a red hot iron rod in his hand, and I realize I'm desperately in over my head. For a moment, I'm mesmerized by the fierce blazing light in his eyes. This is the first time I've seen any emotion in him. He loves torturing helpless people, like he did to my mother. Then I see Dylan tied up, shirtless and covered with burns where Stanford's branded his body.

"What have you done?" I scream. Throwing the book to the ground, I run to Dylan's prone figure. "God damn you!" I scream at the monster. Cradling Dylan in my arms, I see Danielle run over to the book I've dropped. Kneeling down, she excitedly reaches for the grimoire.

Stanford's face is contorted with evil glee. "I was tempted to finish him, but I waited for you. I want your boyfriend to watch while I gut you. Then I'll take his eyes."

He advances on Dylan and I, a red hot poker in his hand while Danielle trains the gun on us. "Jason, don't do this!" Dr. Roy stands up from where he's been cowering in the corner. He advances imploringly, until Danielle casually shoots him the stomach. The rapport rings out making me flinch. Connor where are you?

"Look who's burning now, bitch!" Suddenly, a booming disembodied voice resonates in the room. It sounds as if it's coming from the vents.

Startled, Danielle searches the ceiling for the voice's source. "Who is that?" She whimpers, fear tingling her voice. Still kneeling on the floor, she suddenly goes rigid. The book she so fiercely coveted, falls from her hands onto the floor, as her face pales, then turns white. She starts heaving as if she's trying to vomit, before her face becomes a bright red color. She clutches at her neck as if she can't breathe. I smell it, before I see it. Wisps of smoke are rising off her black cloak. Her body is so hot, her robes are about to ignite. "JASON HELP ME! I DON'T WANT TO BURN!" Screaming in panicked fear and pain, Danielle staggers to her feet. In one swift move, she lunges at Stanford. Burning from inside out, the skin on her body crackles like a smoldering pig, roasting on a spit. Grabbing Stanford like a drowning swimmer, she tries to rip the Dragon Pendant from his neck.

I moan in fear. What the hell is Blair's spell doing?

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