◌ Thirty Eight ◌

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It instantly became chaotic the second Ryan hit the floor.

"Shoot!" Brendon yelled, rushing down the stairs. "It's his PTSD again!"

"His what?" Bob asked. Bob was the only one who hadn't heard of Ryan's condition yet. Everyone else already witnessed it happen.

"He has milk PTSD. The effects of it are different every time. Sometimes he cries uncontrollably, other times he screams. Sometimes he tries to run away, other times he faints. Now quick, there is no time to lose! Grab me a bowl of cool water and a towel!" Brendon commanded.

Zero time was wasted. Everyone rushed around trying to help out and bring things to Ryan and Brendon. Ryan was still out cold and on top of that, Helena was still crying. Joe was rocking her to sleep on the couch near Ryan's body and looking visibly stressed out.

"Here's the towel." Patrick said, handing Brendon a clean hand towel. "Sorry it's a little big."

"That's fine." Brendon murmured as he grabbed the towel. He dunked it in the water and placed the towel over Ryan's forehead. Unfortunately the towel was too big and it covered Ryan's eyes. If Brendon was the one who had passed out, the towel would have fit just right on his giant forehead. He was not in his right mind.

Over on the couch, Joe sat with the baby. He was sweating up a storm.

"Joe why are you so nervous?" Dallon asked.

"I'm not good with kids!" he exclaimed.

"I'll take her." Andy said as he sat down next to Joe. "Go relax and cool off. I think Brendon's all set with assistance."

Joe nodded and went outside to take a few deep breaths.

Suddenly Ryan screamed. "I'VE GONE BLIND!"

"He came to! He came to! He's back with us!" Brendon said excitedly. He glanced at the towel covering Ryan's eyes. "It's okay baby it's just a towel on your eyes. Shhh you're okay." He removed the towel and propped Ryan's head on his lap and smiling down at him. He was pretty sure that he did not follow proper steps to help Ryan when he passed out but whatever he did worked. Ryan gave Brendon a weak smile back.

"Did I faint again?" Ryan asked, his voice hoarse.

"Yes but you're okay now. Everything is going to be fine." Brendon whispered.

"Um guys?" Patrick asked. "I'm sorry to cut that short but um... I think Helena's diaper needs to be changed..."

"Not again..." Andy groaned.

"Oh come on, Andy! You weren't even one of the people who changed her diaper last time!" Joe called out, remembering when he, Ryan, Brendon , and Mikey had to change it.

"Yeah!" Brendon chimed in. "I think the four of us shouldn't have to do it this time."

"Fine. Deal. I'll do it." Patrick offered, knowing he would regret this later.

"I will help also. As long as Andy helps too." Ray said, smirking at Andy.

Andy rolled his eyes "Fine."

"I'll help too." Bob offered.

The four of them gathered around the changing table. Actually, it wasn't really a changing table. Their old, makeshift table was being used for a new purpose this time so Ray stepped up to the plate. Andy covered his back with a towel as Patrick got down on his hands and knees. Helena was placed atop the towel on Ray and they changed her like that. Bob did his best to soothe Helena and remove of her old diaper. Frank was asleep and unable to give anybody clothespins, although it was not nearly as bad as the first time.

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