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Note: hey guys :), this is a story quite close to my heart, some of you who know me yous may see resemblance to my personality and for those who don't know me, i hope yous get to know me better, enjoy the story guys!!!

Once upon a time there was a young teenager called Abby. Abby was only fourteen when she discovered that she was not like other teenagers who are around her. Abby faced adult life way before she needed to and that scared her. Abby had seen resentment and anger expressed a lot while she was growing up. The environment she grew up in was destructive and unhealthy. Abby's parents were called Sam and Melanie. Sam was a unforgiving man who held grudges against his own family, Abby believes that this is guided by hatred and the ability not to forgive and forget. Abby has gotten used to the fact that her parents aren't normal and that they never really cared about her fully. once she got into secondary school she had began to build defensive mechanisms that in her mind would protect her from getting hurt in any situation she was exposed to.  Abby's and Sam's relationship isn't what you would call a father daughter relationship. Sam had never attended important events for Abby which is now engraved in her memory. Abby noticed herself slipping into darkness and the only way she felt she could escape was to self-harm or by putting a facade that would show her as a self assured young woman. 

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