how Abby's life has changed in such a short period

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In a matter of a few years Abby has grown to be a strong-ish independent woman who embraces the weird, she loves books with loads of pain and pleasure, the whole polar opposite thing gives her joy. In Abby's mind she is so broken she feels like sharp glass and anything she touches leaves.  Authors like Clarissa Wild has helped her through things. Abby has some religious beliefs that have helped her fight suicidal thoughts and she has also prayed so she could get some assistance in forgiving her parents for forcing her to grow up way too quickly. Abby believes that they are the reason she is feeling the need to live behind a facade all the time. its hard for her to come to terms with the fact that she feels so different. things like that play on her mind and she wonders will people accept how she carries and shows herself to the world. Abby has friends who could tell she is holding back and hiding emotions. People don't comfront her because they are affraid to how she will react, most people just avoid her because it's easier than having to comfront someone who has a really violent temper, although Abby likes to keep guys at a distance there are two in her life who she trusts implecibly. Abby's trust issues were a issue in the past but slowly she's learning not everyone will try hurt her mentally and emotionally. When Abby meets new people she makes judgement calls about them and hopes that her gut feeling is right.

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