in perspective

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Its good to be back, honestly i needed a break from everything. I missed you guys a lot, i really hope everyone has been keeping well. This may not be my place to do this but for me i need it, i'm grieving at the moment but i need to hide it from those around me.

Abbey knew of a friend that had gotten close to killing themselves because their mental health wasn't exactly good place, their problem was the fact that professional help was way too professional for their liking, so they decided to try sort it out by themselves, which is a extremely hard task as Abbey knew from experience. For Abbey she decided to deal with herself, many circumstances can change our approach to things. As an example Abbey has decided to let things happen as its supposed to everything happens for a reason, over the past couple of days Abbey has relaised that in some situations you gotta let the other person make their move before you make yours, sure there is a huge variable of how long it will take for the other person to relaise what they are missing but when they do it should be worth it. As they say nothing good comes easy, if something comes easy you know for definitely something is either not right or it isn't supposed to happen. Abbey's Perspective has changed a lot since the events of last week, so she has been trying to rethink her current position of her outlooks on life and try her best to appreciate life. As a young person in today's society, death at our age is never crossing our minds, most of us are trying to find out where the next party is but fir the rest of us we use our common sense to find out more about ourselves. I've noticed it myself over the years that as social change has happened things like love are manipulated in many ways and it disgusts me. keeping emotions as static as possible is really hard its the kind of thing that challenges you in all aspects of your life relationships Abbey is facing at the minute are causing a tiny bit of awkwardness between her and the guy in question. Abbey doesn't want to be the one to make the first move as this moment in time things are already difficult enough, pushing a issue like this could possibly be a really wrong move, its why she has decided to let him come to her. 

i know its been a extremely long time since i updated but things have been crazy, i don't know when i'll get a chance to update again but i'm hoping it will be soon, for now i will see you guys soon xx 

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