How Abby feels in her life

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"Defences mean nothing if they can't keep the smallest thing from fucking you up" this is a personal qoute that i felt tied in with this book, hope everyone is enjoying the story xx

A new week had began and Abby hoped it would be one less plagued by her broken life. Abby had tried her best to keep her defences up, but most of the time she would feel herself get emotional or she would start to think about self-harm, Abby was strong so she always managed to pull herself back from those thoughts. Most of the time this emotion would turn into anger and she hated that anger was a dominant emotion for her. Abby was always careful with who she trusted and the guy she fell for was one she let into her trust circle. When things got rough and tension started to build, Abby felt herself slip into emotional darkness which was dangerous because most times she would scar herself. The thing that broke Abby's strong character was finding out guys in one of her best friend's class called her pennywise. Eventhough she knew they were messing, it struck a cord deep within her. Abby was pretty content in her life, because her boyfriend brought a huge change to her mindset which changed everything, the guys that she talks to don't believe that shes in a relationship, they probably think shes way too broken and unstable in her relationship. There is days when Abby feels so alone and she feels like nobody can comfort her. The fact that she barely gets to spend time with her best friend and she misses it hugely. Emotions are definitely not one of her strong points but things that require emotional effort are hard on her

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