breaking my barriers

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so i started talking to this guy and so far yeah i like him i don't know if he feels the same way even as to how far we got piecing it all together is confusing, putting my feelings into words isn't easy the situation i'm in doesn't help much, i have to be careful not to get it messy, its like how do i keep a friends with benefits from getting messy? it sounds so fucking simple it almost hurts to a point where everything i know in terms of where my head is at is confusing. things are hugely though at the moment with dealing with my past. the tears that have been falling reflect the amount of a dam i have been building up to a point where i just had to seek the help i desperately needed it was either that or i resort to cutting and leaving scars all over, in general i ain't a subtle person but when it comes to something that makes me feel weak i will do everything to hide it, the details i do manage to talk about are the ones that i cant hold in. everything i do has subtle meanings, the colors i wear repsent the mood i be in, sometimes i need the darkness to feel anyway safe and protected. recently horrid memories laced my head and left me in a sea of despair and need for something i don't even know how to explain. from a point next week i start getting the help i need, if im honest im scared of it and how it will go because of how much i can't remember and how much is burried so deep down. the scars that once laced my skin are the ones that remind me of how much ive grown as a person. ive built a support network with gamer friends i trust, when i just feel like i can't do anything and my head is a mess they are all older but they have been through so much they can understand 

the cracks that appearUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum