Being Pushed To Limits Your Unsure Of

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Hey guys some recent situations got me to write this, been feeling off and this is why..... Enjoy

In my relationship things moved pretty quickly, but the only thing that has gotten worse is my lack of time for me, where has it gone....These past months I've had to use any free time I had to call him up, but when I say I don't want to he gets upset and it makes me feel like it's my fault that we aren't on call. I love him but I need space, thats the bit I don't think he gets. I don't want to have to end up ending something we both worked so hard on just because he doesn't know how to give someone the space and freedom they desire. For example one day at work I was hanging out with caluagues and he messaged me saying to call and I was like I'm with friends and that pressure of having to disrupt time with my friends just because he misses me too much, but you know what I miss him but I focus on the things I can control and missing him isn't one, I can't stop my heart from missing the man I love can I?. This isn't something easy for me especially since I'm that chick that stood out so much you could see it so far away, love isn't something I've had close by ever in my life so having this feels forigen. After the amount of breakdowns I've had feeling pressure and feeling controlled isn't how I want to live the rest of my life.. Its like being listened to but not heard

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