The feeling of total honesty

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Guys this chapter isn't really in context but I wrote it so yous get to see where my head is at.

Courtship between two souls lays the direction of the future, decision upon lies or truth makes or breaks that special bond. guys hope everyone is enjoying the book so far and I hope you get to see what's underneath self destruction and many years of negligence.
Thank you all for reading it really does mean so much xx

Between her and Oliver, she'd been kind of scared that he'd run far away at the fact that she can't see herself finding a guy that will love her and help her heal. That's what keeps her on her toes, he basically suprises her at every opportunity. Given the fact that she was the first to let go during their moment of skin contact gives her a feeling that he's quite comfortable around her as she is around him. The thing that scares her is her feelings towards him. They say it takes longer for a guy to fall in love, well Abby is like that as well, beneath all the crazy shit she can still doesn't need defences around him, sure he makes her nervous and she's pretty certain that he gets nervous with her as well but isn't that what love is? Sure everyone thinks love is easy but it's far from it. When you are in love it's not looks that are important it's personality and soul compability that matters.

When Abby first let Oliver into her mind of hatred and sadness, she felt exposed in ways she's never felt before. When she met him in person for the first time there was definitely something about him that got her to relax, usually she'd be a nervous wreck but all she wanted was to spend every second, minute and hour either with him or in his arms. Abby doubts herself so much and feels like everyone who is important in her life will leave as soon as they can. when she reflects on past relationships and friendships from her past, Abby can only see how she fucked it up so much and she's afraid that she'll fuck up a possible relationship with someone she cares so much about.

this was such a hard chapter to write, i'm struggling to find aspects of my life to write about. hope yous are enjoying this book despite its in depth emotional insights.

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