Chapter 2 🔥 Do me a Favor

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This chapter is dedicated to MissUnderstood_26 . Thank for your continued support, constant votes and comments.


Flashback. . .

"There is no time. No. It is time. . ."

Pearl's panicky voice boomed around the assessment chamber.

"We are fully aware of that but is it wise to pursue on that matter? It is quite obvious that there are more pressing issues at hand."

Queen Sylvanna's disagreement was backed-up by a few more members by nodding their hooded heads. A series of murmurings and discontentment erupted.

"What are you saying? You want to let my son go and die? What if it was Aldrik. Would you have the same opinion, Sylvanna?"

Queen Adelaide barked in return. Anger and contempt were laced on her calculated voice. Unlike the veiled ones, they could all clearly see her contorted face that was filled with suppressed rage.

"That is not what Sylvanna meant. It was only a suggestion to suspend the search and focus on what's more important. We could have all the time for Marcus after."

Lord Ronheild defended his wife which gained another set of heads in agreement. Adelaide and Pearl were losing their case. It seemed that the rest of the council had made up their minds.

"But, that is not a decision for you to make. Let's hear it from Venuscha herself."

Pearl insisted. She had this nagging feeling that finding Marcus was important. Though she couldn't pinpoint what exactly her gut feeling was telling her, but, she was never wrong before and definitely she wouldn't start to doubt herself now.

"That's unnecessary. Venus won't be able to judge fairly considering her feelings towards the prince. She will do as told."

Sylvanna spoke with finality. Her disposition about the matter was undettered. They may see her as a heartless queen for the moment but she was brought up to be a fair ruler and queen. Deciding what was best for her subjects was something she never took lightly. Not so long ago, she proved her point on that by sacrificing years of precious time away from her son and husband.

"Aren't we being so drastic and closed minded here? Yes, Venus is our saviour but how will you expect the child to fight a battle with an empty heart? Isn't it the same as throwing the white towel before it even starts?"

Vulca said the words even if she was second guessing herself. Queen Sylvie has a point but she knew Venus too well. It wouldn't be as easy as shoving a mouthful of food into her throat. The girl was stubborn as a mule.

"Aherm," Xerxis cleared his throat and give Vulca's hand a firm squeeze. "You might want to elaborate the white towel thing?" He added in a whisper.

"Oh," she whispered back, embarrassed. Forgetting the way these people talk. Using a human term was obviously not in their list of vocabularies.

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